April 12, 2019

• The Poplar Bluff City Council will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. Monday in the council chambers at the Black River Coliseum. Workshop items to include: review a proposed resolution appointing Nevada Young as City Clerk for the city of Poplar Bluff, effective July 1; review recommendation from Municipal Utilities Advisory Board regarding bids for the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade project...

*City council

• The Poplar Bluff City Council will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. Monday in the council chambers at the Black River Coliseum.

Workshop items to include: review a proposed resolution appointing Nevada Young as City Clerk for the city of Poplar Bluff, effective July 1; review recommendation from Municipal Utilities Advisory Board regarding bids for the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade project.

Action items to include: action on an ordinance accepting a bid for the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade project; action on a resolution appointing Nevada Young as City Clerk, effective, July 1.

• The Poplar Bluff City Council will hold a special meeting at 6:45 p.m. Monday in the council chambers.

Action items to include: city manager will present to each council person their salary for services to the City of Poplar Bluff for fiscal year 2018-2019; city clerk will present to the city council for their approval the abstract of votes cast at the municipal election held April 2, 2019; retiring City Councilwoman from the Third Ward, Barbara Horton, will address the city council; retiring councilman from the First Ward, and Mayor, Susan McVey will address the city council; city clerk will swear in the newly elected city council members; new city council will conduct an election for the purpose of electing a mayor and a mayor pro tem for the year 2019-2020.

• The Poplar Bluff City Council will hold a regular meeting at 7 p.m. Monday in the council chambers.

Workshop items to include: review a proposed ordinance adopting the Pike Creek-Hydraulic Analysis Engineering Report relative to the Community Development Block Grant; review a recommendation from the Municipal Utilities Advisory Board regarding the disposal of antiquated records; review a proposed amendment to the Code of Ordinances increasing the fees for street cutting permits at the street dept. and interment fee for the city cemetery; review a request from the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve a request for a sidewalk waiver for a platted, undeveloped subdivision in an RS-2, general residential district. Property: Brookstone Subdivision, located at 1637 Barron Rd, applicant: Rhett Nunn c/o John Rhett Nunn, 2573 Stone Ridge Dr.; review request from the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve a request for a conditional use permit to operate a drive-thru window for the sale of food and non-alcoholic beverages, location: 2865 Tucker Rd. in a C-2 gen. commercial district, applicant: McAlister’s Deli Restaurant c/o David Kearbey, Turn-Key Investments; requests for engineering qualifications for a downtown improvement project; an ordinance relating to unimproved parking surfaces; and an oridinance relating to a possible August ballot measure to change language related to a tax passed by voters in 2005 to four-lane Highway 67 north.

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Action items include: an agreement with Westar Energy; a hydraulic analysis for Pike Creek related to a block grant; a union agreement with police dispatchers; and an appointment to a housing authority board.

A closed session is also planned.

*Utility board

The Municipal Utilites Advisory Board will meet at 3 p.m. Monday at the utility office. Items on the agenda include review of list of antiquated records.


The Black River Coliseum Advisory Board will meet at 5:15 p.m. Thursday at the coliseum. Discussion will include past and future events.


Meetings for next week of the tree and plumbing board and Board of Adjustment have been cancelled.

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