September 15, 2018

Pam Garner is a woman with a big heart. She feels things deeply -- empathy, compassion, gratitude -- and because of that, one of her greatest satisfactions is being able to help those less fortunate. "When you have been on the receiving end of kindness and selfless giving, I think it is only natural to want to repay those gestures," she explains. ...

Nancy Nelson Vines

Pam Garner is a woman with a big heart. She feels things deeply -- empathy, compassion, gratitude -- and because of that, one of her greatest satisfactions is being able to help those less fortunate.

"When you have been on the receiving end of kindness and selfless giving, I think it is only natural to want to repay those gestures," she explains. "Of course, most people will not accept compensation for their generosity, and that was the situation I faced after my late husband lost his battle with cancer. My church family and others were so supportive throughout and after our ordeal. I was overwhelmed by the love, comfort and caring that was shown to me and my family. I felt this need to repay in some way, but did not know how to begin or what to do."

Garner found that answer when she learned about a student at school was not dressing out for physical education because he did not have tennis shoes.

"I realized I could express my gratitude by paying it forward, rather than paying it back. From there, things just began to come together, and this fall we will be sponsoring our ninth Cruisin' for Kids classic car event, which, to date, has raised $25,000 for children in need," she said.

According to Garner, a cruise-in is not the same as a car show. Traditionally, car shows involve entry fees, competitions and trophies. At a cruise-in, enthusiasts bring their classic vehicles for display only. There are no competitive categories and no trophies are awarded.

It is a social event that affords the opportunity to view and appreciate classic cars. Garner says entries come from as far away as Jonesboro, Arkansas and Perryville. The fall Cruisin' for Kids will be held Saturday, Sept. 29, in downtown Dexter.

Since no entry fees are charged, donations for Cruisin' for Kids come in a variety of ways.

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A popular fundraiser is the sale of T-shirts, which feature the name of event sponsors listed on the back. Sponsors, which can be a business, church, organization or individual pay $50 to have their name included. Money is also raised through the sale of raffle tickets for prizes, and a 50/50 drawing that awards half of the jackpot to the winning ticket-holder, with the other half going to Cruisin' for Kids. Monetary donations also are a source of revenue for the group.

In addition to admiring classic automobiles, those attending Cruisin' for Kids will be able to purchase food items from various vendors located along the food court area on the north side of Locust Street. A variety of ethnic and regional cuisine will be available. The south end of Locust will host the entertainment portion of the event. Popular Elvis impersonator Dave Bowman will perform at 5 p.m. followed by nostalgic music from the '50s and '60s. A Marketplace running along Walnut Street, from Stoddard to Vine, will feature collectibles, including classic car memorabilia; baked goods; produce; craft items; and cottage industry merchandise. Free children's games and a bouncy house will also be provided.

Cruisin' for Kids is a registered 501C not-for-profit organization.

While Garner oversees the day-to-day operation, there is a governing board of directors and treasurer. Their goal is to assist children in need, and to do that, they have various sources who refer particular children or situations to them.

Garner says that Cruisin' for Kids is facing the same dilemma as many other charitable organizations -- as word spreads about their work, more and more requests come in. "We want to help every single child who is referred to us, and having that ability lies in the continued success and growth of the Cruisin' for Kids events," she said.

Cruisin' for Kids will begin at 4 p.m. Sept. 29. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs as seating is not provided. For additional information about entering a vehicle, participating in the food court or making a donation, contact Garner at N'Style Galleria at 573-624-3126 or 573-820-2274.

For vendor information about participating in The Marketplace, contact Patty Shell at 573-820-5232.

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