May 6, 2017

From Staff Reports The nearly 2,000 people attending the 39th Annual Old Greenville Rendezvous Saturday, April 22, didn't let the usual rain dampen the weekend event held by the Crowley's Ridge Black Powder Club, but rain did force some of the events to be moved to Sunday, April 23...

From Staff Reports

The nearly 2,000 people attending the 39th Annual Old Greenville Rendezvous Saturday, April 22, didn't let the usual rain dampen the weekend event held by the Crowley's Ridge Black Powder Club, but rain did force some of the events to be moved to Sunday, April 23.

"It rained and then it rained some more but people continued to come out even in the rain to enjoy the fun," state Crowley's Ridge Black Powder Clubs President. "Sunday the sun came out and dried everything out and it turned out to be a great day."

Although many expect rain every year during the event and many say it is part of the tradition this year proved to be extremely wet and events such as the Aggregate and Trade Gun Shoot were pushed to Sunday due to unfavorable conditions. Many of the original Rendezvous members noted this was the wettest year they had seen in many years with only one or two other events hosting record setting rainfall. Members continued to enjoy setting up camp despite the wet conditions and both nights laughter could be heard from many tents as friends and family gathered reminiscing about past memories.

On Sunday before the club kicked off the shooting and the trade vendors opened, the annual church service was held at 9 a.m. along with a memorial service special to this event. This year has been an extremely hard year for the club as they have lost six rendezvous members within the last year.

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Corps of Engineers Natural Resources Specialist Andrew Jefferson kicked off the church service with a welcoming before Sandy Boyers, Becky Hayes and Branson Mabry chimed in with a few hymns. Kenny Laffoon and Tim Gabler gave testimonies. Jefferson finished with the sermon.

As the church service ended, Melvin Boyers begin the memorial service by presenting a special plaque in memory of Renezvousers who have passed. There were 23 names on the plaque which sported a wood surface with black name tags and gold lettering. The plaque will be kept with the group.

One special member of the group, Dennis "Dink" Gilbreath was recognized during the service, he passed earlier this year. He was a brother, uncle, and friend to many. A poem was read that was written by, "The Leprechaun" whoore more formally known as Roy DeJournett. The poem was titled, "Bob Cat" which was Gilbreaths Rendezvous name.

Trader Dale Kemp who is a long time club member and former president read a speech he had written about his long time Rendezvous brother. Many tears were shed as he perfectly summed up the man Dennis "Dink" Gilbreath was. The event ended as Mike Clippard played a song dedicated to Gilbreath on the American Flute.

As Sunday came to an end and taking down camps started, many friends said goodbye until the fall event. Hugs, handshakes, and laughs were given freely to all members as these members are not only part of a club but are also part of a special family. Their next event will be held on Oct. 7-8, 2017 at Bloomfield, Mo. located across for the Stars and Stripes Museum and Veterans Cemetery on Highway 25. All of the members are hoping for a much drier weekend this fall however just like the April rendezvous they will continue to fight Mother Nature for a few days of what club member and former president, Alex Hanners, refers to as freedom.

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