March 20, 2018

The Puxico OAKS Nutrition Center is participating in the 16th Annual March for Meals- a month long, community-by-community celebration of Meal on Wheels and the vulnerable seniors who rely on the vital service to remain independent at home. The Puxico Nutrition Center's celebration will culminate Friday, March 23 for an all community luncheon from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Missouri Foundation for Health is an affiliate sponsor for this event...

The Puxico OAKS Nutrition Center is participating in the 16th Annual March for Meals- a month long, community-by-community celebration of Meal on Wheels and the vulnerable seniors who rely on the vital service to remain independent at home. The Puxico Nutrition Center's celebration will culminate Friday, March 23 for an all community luncheon from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Missouri Foundation for Health is an affiliate sponsor for this event.

"The services that we provide the seniors of Puxico are critical and the need is rapidly increasing," said Heather Sifford, administrator of the Puxico OAKS Nutrition Center. "Together, we can keep seniors living independently, healthier at home and feeling more connected to their community as they age."

Open since June of 1982, the OAKS Nutrition Center of Puxico serves over 19,000 meals per year enhancing the lives of almost 300 people annually. Hot meals are delivered to the homebound elders of Puxico at lunchtime daily (Monday-Friday) and frozen meals are delivered outside the city limits. Currently, there is a great need for volunteers to help deliver or to help in the kitchen. "We would love for the community to come to the Center to learn more about how we serve the elderly as well as participate in our Fish Dinner fundraiser lunch on Friday, March 23 encouraged Sifford. "If you can't attend, donations are always needed and appreciated." Her appeal declaration: "Puxico! Let's Do Lunch and March for Meals!"

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The annual March for Meals commemorates the historic day in March 1972 when President Nixon signed into law a measure that amended the Older Americans Act of 1965 and established a national nutrition program for seniors 60 years and older. Since 2002, Meals on Wheels programs from across the country have joined forces for the annual awareness campaign to celebrate this successful public-private partnership and garner the support needed to fill the gap between seniors served and those still in need.

"This March, hundreds of local Meals on Wheels programs will rally their communities to build the support that will enable them to deliver nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks to America's most at-risk seniors all year long," said Ellie Hollander, President and CEO of Meals on Wheels America. "With the demand for Meals on Wheels increasing along with our country's senior population, we need to ensure that seniors are not forgotten."

For more information on how you can volunteer, contribute or speak out for the seniors in Puxico this March, contact Heather Sifford at (573) 222-3089 or a-mail

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