As the search for an alleged shoplifter enters its third day, authorities say there have been no credible sightings since early Thursday morning.
"We had officers out Thursday morning and even checking sightings late last night," but Andrew Millican remains at large, said Poplar Bluff Police Lt. Josh Stewart. " ... I was getting phone calls last night about possible locations."
Authorities have been searching for Millican since mid-morning Wednesday when he and a woman were caught allegedly shoplifting alcohol from 10Box on Shelby Road.
When officers arrived, Millican, who was possibly armed with a stolen handgun, allegedly ran through the store and fled out the back door into a wooded area behind the business and Poplar Bluff Kindergarten Center.
Officers searched what earlier was estimated as a 40-acre tract of dense woods for several hours Wednesday.
Their search promoted the Kindergarten Center, Three Rivers College and some day cares and businesses in the immediate area to initiate lockdown procedures.
The search for Millican intensified at about 7 a.m. Thursday when a hospital security guard spotted the man on Spring Street, west of Westwood Boulevard.
Authorities say Millican, who just a short time earlier had used a phone at Burger King, then fled east across Westwood.
For several hours Wednesday morning, officers with the police department and Missouri State Highway Patrol saturated the area looking for Millican.
Although there was no "direct threat," Poplar Bluff's Middle School, Junior High and Early Childhood Center again initiated lockdown procedures due to their proximity to the search area.
During their search, officers checked the Bacon Park area, as well as a vacant house on Grove Street.
It also was learned Millican allegedly had broken into a Spring Street home, where he changed clothes, sometime after 5 a.m.
Burger King's surveillance video footage showed Millican was wearing all black clothing, with a gray hoodie sticking out of this jacket.
"We are still actively seeking him, but we're not walking through the woods after him," said Stewart, who indicated officers have additional information to follow up on today.
"We're continuing to follow any sighting information and making contact with known associates," Stewart said.
According to Stewart, it is possible Millican may have left the area.
"He's got family in other areas from the information I was getting yesterday," Stewart said. "He's got some family in the Annapolis area and other areas."
In addition to being accused of shoplifting from 10Box, Millican is wanted on two Ripley County warrants for probation violation on Class C felonies of second-degree domestic assault and second-degree burglary.
The warrants, according to Casenet, were issued in April and each has a $20,000 cash bond.
Millican, whose probation was suspended in July, had been placed on five years' supervised probation in May 2016.
At that time, he pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to consecutive seven-year sentences in the Missouri Department of Corrections. The court suspended execution of those sentences, placing him on probation.