Lara Moffitt realized four years ago she needed to make big changes in her life, but altering one’s lifestyle is terrifying. She described herself as overweight, a smoker, unhappy and in her late 40s. While the decision was overwhelming, Moffitt decided for herself, and for everyone she loved, to take the first step in changing her life.
“I felt that if I didn’t change, I knew I would die early,’ Moffitt said. “That was the ‘big picture’ motivation, but what drove me to keep going from one day to the next was an intense desire to feel better. I spent a lot of years being unhappy. When I realized that I was the only one who controlled how I felt, I began to take steps to improve my own quality of life.
Moffitt will share her journey in her program “Take a hard look in the mirror” from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, March 21, at the Women Aware luncheon at the Greater Poplar Bluff Area Chamber of Commerce. Deadline for registration is March 19.
“With the help of my family, I had weight loss surgery,” Moffitt said, who continued her trek to a new life, happiness and being alive to know her grandchildren.
Moffitt is one of owners at Morse Harwell Jiles Insurance. Away from work, she likes golfing, spending time on the river, cooking and traveling.
She has traveled to Colorado to see her stepson, North Carolina and visited St. Louis where a daughter and son live. She’s looking forward to a trip to New York City to visit another daughter.
Davine Conover of Ozark Federal Credit Union is in charge of the luncheons.
“If you have not heard her testimony, this is the perfect opportunity to hear her journey,” Conover said. “We are honored to have her share on March 21.
“Most importantly, I want ladies to understand they are unique,” Conover added. “Their view of who they are is more than a reflection in the mirror or shirt size. It is comfortable with who you are. If you do your best to stay healthy mentally, spiritually and physically, you will be able to develop into a better version of you.”
Continuing, Conover said, “If you look at yourself critically, you will never be happy. There are two opposite spectrums of the energy you put into development. An overachiever or driven person will sometimes go too far one way and never feel they can do enough. A defeated person will not even try. We have to understand there is balance in everything we do will help us form a more accurate plan to achieve our goals mentally, physically, and spiritually.”
Anyone planning to attend may preregister by going to the Women Aware Facebook page, email or call 573-429-1780. The catered meal is $12.
Ozark Federal Credit Union is the business sponsor for the luncheon. Anyone interested in sponsoring or co-sponsoring a luncheon may contact Conover.
“We welcome any business that would like to sponsor a luncheon or co-sponsor a luncheon,” Conover said. The sponsorship covers the cost of the meal, so 100 percent of the ticket sales goes to help pay for the conference each year, which is scheduled Thursday, Sept. 19, at the Black River Coliseum.