October 3, 2020

JEFFERSON CITY — After months of few or no COVID-19 cases among veterans at Missouri’s Veterans Homes, five of the seven homes have reported active veteran cases this past month. Two new veteran cases were reported at one home for the first time Friday. There also have been active cases among staff members at six of the seven homes...

JEFFERSON CITY — After months of few or no COVID-19 cases among veterans at Missouri’s Veterans Homes, five of the seven homes have reported active veteran cases this past month.

Two new veteran cases were reported at one home for the first time Friday. There also have been active cases among staff members at six of the seven homes.

The positive cases have been identified as MVC has conducted robust COVID-19 testing of veterans and staff. Over the last four months, more than 21,000 tests have been conducted. In some of the homes staff and veterans are tested twice per week.

“From the first day that COVID-19 was detected in Missouri, the Veterans Homes implemented an extensive plan based on best practices to attempt to keep the virus out of our homes and protect our veterans,” MVC Executive Director Paul Kirchhoff said. “This has included limiting access, setting up quarantine and isolation areas in advance, extensive use of Personal Protective Equipment and increased cleaning and hygiene measures.

“We are concerned to see the heroes we care for dealing with this disease that is so virulent among the elderly and vulnerable populations.”

Here is the current information at MVC Veterans Homes as it relates to COVID-19:

• Cameron Veterans Home – active COVID-19 cases: two veterans (reported Thursday); two staff members;

• Cape Girardeau Veterans Home – active COVID-19 cases: 57 veterans; 12 staff members; 21 deaths;

• Mexico Veterans Home – active COVID-19 cases: zero veterans; zero staff members;

• Mt. Vernon Veterans Home - active COVID-19 cases: 27 veterans; four staff members; seven deaths;

• St. James Veterans Home - active COVID-19 cases: 24 veterans; nine staff members, 10 deaths;

• St. Louis Veterans Home - active COVID-19 cases: zero veterans; two staff member; and

• Warrensburg Veterans Home - active COVID-19 cases: 12 veterans; four staff members, three deaths.

Until September, there had been a total of one death of a resident of a Veterans Home while there was an active COVID-19 case in a home. The one veteran death was at the St. Louis Home in April.

“In order to combat COVID-19 at our Cape Girardeau and St. James Homes, we have been successful in obtaining additional staffing and resources from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs,” said Kirchhoff. “MVC continues to perform robust testing with our staff and veterans and review our procedures to help mitigate the risks as much as possible.”

Upon the first COVID-19 case being reported in Missouri on March 7, MVC immediately restricted access to visitors, vendors and volunteers at all state veterans home.

MVC implemented extensive training and established infectious disease protocols as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which include twice daily temperature checks and contact interviews with all Veterans Home employees.

As testing became more widely available, MVC began Sentinel and random COVID-19 testing for both staff and veterans on May 26.

To help veterans keep socially engaged with family and loved ones, all MVC Veterans Homes facilitated no-contact window visits, as well as FaceTime social media interactions as soon as access to their facilities was restricted. In August, MVC began outdoor visits with family members and loved ones as conditions permitted. All outdoor visits included a screening process and wearing masks.
