WEST PLAINS, Mo. – A total of 255 students will receive degrees from Missouri State University-West Plains for the 2020 academic year.
In addition, 62 students will be eligible to receive degrees through Missouri State University-Springfield graduate and undergraduate programs. Some of those degrees are available through the Missouri State Outreach program on the West Plains campus.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, university officials will not be able to recognize graduates at the previously scheduled May 16 commencement ceremony.
Instead, the graduates will be recognized during commencement ceremonies at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 8, at the West Plains Civic Center. More details about the Aug. 8 ceremony will be released at a later date.
Campus officials noted the August ceremony is contingent on state and federal public health requirements in place at the time.
Local members of the 2020 graduating class are listed below:
Poplar Bluff: Tracy L. Armiger: Associate of Arts in Criminology
Malden: Kayla B. Dalton: Associate of Arts in General Studies
Poplar Bluff: Bryanna Nichole Griffin: Associate of Arts in Teacher — Elementary Education