Ward 1 representative Susan McVey will serve as mayor for the city of Poplar Bluff for the next year, following a 4-3 vote Monday. Council member at-large Steve Davis was unanimously selected as mayor pro tem.
McVey and Ward 5 representative Robert Smith both received nominations for mayor. The positions of mayor and mayor pro tem are decided by a vote of the city council each year, at the first meeting held after the municipal election.
Smith has served with distinction for five terms on the council, Barbara Horton of Ward 3 said in making the first nomination. Horton asked for a vote for Smith by acclamation.
Council member at-large Ron Black then nominated McVey.
The council members were asked by city clerk Pam Kearbey to name which person they supported as mayor.
Black, Davis and outgoing mayor Ed DeGaris supported McVey.
Smith received votes from Horton and new Ward 4 representative Shane Cornman.
McVey has done an admirable job as mayor in previous years and is one of a small number of council members who has completed enough training to receive additional certification from the Missouri Municipal League, Black said after the meeting.
Smith always treats the citizens who attend the council meetings with respect and he and his ward deserved for him to mayor after such a long time on the council, Horton said later.
Other council members who have not served as mayor are in their first terms, she said. Smith has not previously served as mayor.
McVey can and will do a wonderful job, Smith said after the meeting.
Both Smith and McVey said a top priority for the next year needs to be getting the city's finances in order.
"We've got a good council and a good mayor and I think we can make these things happen," Smith said.
A permanent location for city hall and unity for the city council also need to be top focuses, McVey said.
Both McVey and Davis are also concerned about passing a user tax, which would collect sales tax on internet purchases.
"It's only fair and equitable for our local merchants and it would help stabilize the city budget tremendously by bringing in much needed revenue," Davis said.
The user tax was barely defeated at a previous election, he said, adding he believes citizens realize how important this is for the city to stay strong and keep growing.
Votes for mayor and mayor pro tem were held after a swearing in ceremony for DeGaris, re-elected to serve as Ward 2 representative, and Cornman.
Philip Crocker stepped down as the Ward 4 representative.
"I just want to thank the citizens of Ward 4 for giving me the opportunity of sitting on this council," Crocker said. "I wish the council the best of luck going forward."
This council had to deal with several controversial issues in the past year, city manager Mark Massingham said, before distributing plaques to each member in recognition of their service.
Council members receive $1 as pay for each year they serve.
Each of these council members has nothing but the city's best interests at heart, Massingham said.
"They may not agree with each other all the time, and the public may not agree with all their decisions, but I truly believe that each and every one of them loves the city and want what's best for the city," he said.