February 11, 2021

I often joke with my husband, ‘it is a good thing we aren’t rich.’ I would have houses (or something similar) all over the world. I’m a bit of a goer, and there are many places I’d love to live. Places I spend a lot of time in, I’d just assume have a place all my own. A condo in Hawaii, maybe a van down by Current River, and an RV on a beach in Florida. Sounds amazing, right?...

Cassie Downs

I often joke with my husband, ‘it is a good thing we aren’t rich.’ I would have houses (or something similar) all over the world. I’m a bit of a goer, and there are many places I’d love to live. Places I spend a lot of time in, I’d just assume have a place all my own. A condo in Hawaii, maybe a van down by Current River, and an RV on a beach in Florida. Sounds amazing, right?

You may not want a house in every place you visit like me, but I’m willing to bet you’ve made this comment or have heard someone say, “I could live in a _________.” Fill in the blank with your fetish. Maybe for you it’s a candy store, a bank (you could make snow… money angels in the vault), or a Bath and Body Works store.

For me, besides my obsession with houses everywhere, it’d likely be something to do with tacos, pizza or a spa. Most likely tacos, though.

Whoever said money can’t buy love was right. It’s absolutely tacos. You want to be my friend? Buy me tacos.

Preparing for today’s devo, I keep thinking about Anna, the prophetess. You can find Anna in Luke 2, right after the birth of Jesus. Luke doesn’t tell us a lot about Anna, but what little he says, says everything.

She did not leave the temple, serving God night and day with fasting and prayers. Luke 2:37b (CSB)

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Anna could literally live in the temple, and she may have. Or at least it appears so and would be possible for her being a widow. I find this fascinating how she completely gave her life to God and proclaiming Him (verse 38). But Anna also challenged me, and I want to challenge you today.

We are a temple (1 Corinthians 3:16) and we are the place Christ now lives. His presence is always with us. We get to live in His presence and His presence in us 24/7. He never leaves, and we don’t have to.

This is great news if we’ll allow it to get deep in our hearts. I don’t know about you, but I don’t always feel God in my life, and if I’m not careful, I’ll pull away from Him when I don’t feel Him; I pack my bags to hit the road, but not Anna. She served Him day and night with fasting and prayers.

How blessed are we that we don’t have to pack up our belongings and move into a church house? Some of those pews would make for some pretty sleepless nights. Am I right? Rather, we get to go about our daily lives with the presence of God in us always. We don’t leave for work, for school, for meetings (in person or Zoom), for the gym, or wherever, without Him; well, we shouldn’t. We get to choose, but why would we run from the very thing that gives life, healing, peace, hope, love, joy, kindness, grace and mercy.

Friend, be like Anna. Never leave the presence of God. He will never leave you; don’t break His heart by leaving Him. He’s a good God, full of good things, and He wants to share all of who He is with all of who you are. Say yes to Him today and let Him lead you into everlasting, full and abundant life.

Cassie Downs, formerly of the Ellsinore area, is a speaker, author of Chasing Jesus, a 60 day devotional, and founder of Everyday Jesus Ministry. Connect with Cassie on Facebook, Instagram, or online at cassiedowns.com.

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