One of my favorite chapters in all the scriptures is Colossians Chapter 1. The Apostle Paul is writing to the church at Colosse. Paul thanks God for the Church and Prays for the Church.
Early in the chapter in verse 6 we see a phrase that will become very familiar to us in Colossians Chapter 1; "All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing..."
What is the evidence of this that the gospel is bearing fruit and growing? Lives are being changed and transformed.
The power of the Love of Jesus Christ was transforming people in communities all over the world and his love still is transforming lives today.
While I am writing this, I am reminded that October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Though some are under a false assumption that the Pastor sits around reading his Bible all day and every day and then he works one day a week, I can assure you that there is much more to it than that.
I have a friend who lives on the West Coast who is planting a church in a small community. He and his wife have been praying about and planning this church launch for years. They planned, prepared, saved up their funds and then quit their jobs.
In January 2018 they began having church services in a small building they pay rent on every month out of their own pockets. He spends his days visiting prisons as his wife befriends the families of the loved ones who are behind bars.
He cut firewood all last winter to provide wood for the families to keep their homes warm. He is a chaplain for the local police department. As a couple, they visit people who are sick in the hospital in the city closest to them and they reach out and meet the needs of teachers in the local school.
My friend called me the other day. They are now 10 months into their new church plant. I could hear the excitement in his voice. The man is on fire! He loves God and his community with all of His heart.
He said, "Dave, I am so excited! We had 16 people in church on Sunday morning!" 16 people.
Let me explain a little deeper. That is 16 people who have trusted their lives to Jesus for the very first time. Some of which have been delivered from drugs, some whose fathers are in prison, but all of them have come from broken pasts and are learning how to live a life of Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
My friend said, "Dave, I know the Lord has called us to plant this church, but I did not realize how hard it was going to be. I am willing to do the work, but it's hard work."
My friend is correct.
The Lord promised us that he would be with us, but he did not say it would be easy. There are two quotes that have always been an inspiration to me throughout my ministry.
"Work like it all depends on you, Pray like it all depends on God." -- Saint Augustine and the other quote; "Some people want to live in the sound of chapel bells, but I want to run a mission one yard from the gates of hell." -- C.T. Studd.
I must say, that if you plan to live your calling out in this fashion, you will pay a price.
Paul writes in Colossians chapter one about an Apostle we do not know much about. What we do know about him is his name is Epaphras. We know Epaphras is a faithful servant, a co-laborer with Paul and the one who witnessed and established the church in Colosse.
Epaphras had testified to Paul about the love the people of the Church of Colosse had for Christ. Paul writes in Colossians 1:9; "since the day we heard about you we have not stopped praying for you."
However, Paul was not just praying. He was specifically praying and asking God to fill them with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then, in verse 10, he gives us the reason why he is praying this way; "And we pray this in order that you may live worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God."
How does that happen?
God uses the challenges, the adversities, the disappointments, the temptation to despise small beginnings when beginnings are small. The emotions of discouragement and depression when we have been rejected, when it seems like hard work is not paying off.
However, rest assured the work is good because Jesus is the center of it, and you will always bear good fruit.
It does not matter if it is the ministry or your business you are building from the ground up.
You just need to keep going and refuse to give in. Like the great coach John Madden said, "If you keep knocking at the door, eventually it will cave in."
It's Romans 8:28 coming to fruition; we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
It is while we are in the valley headed up toward the mountaintop that we are growing. Our talent is not as important as how much we are disciplined.
I will take the well- disciplined, loyal, still learning person with little talent over the highly talented, lack of discipline, have nothing more to learn person any day in my organization. Life takes faith and the ability to learn and grow.
That way, we can adjust and adapt when life gets challenging. You can't adjust and adapt when you think you know everything. We need to rely on the wisdom of the Lord.
The Lord, has to develop two characteristics within us. Those characteristics are also fruits of the spirit and they are endurance and patience.
Endurance and Patience are developed through challenges. Why? Because if we do not develop endurance and patience, we will never truly know we can do all things through Jesus Christ, who gives us strength.
Verse 11 tells me we are strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that we may have great endurance and patience and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of Light.
Truncone and his wife, Heidi, have been married 25 years. They have two daughters, Hannah, 19, and Abigail, 15.
Editor's note: This is a regular series featuring area religious leaders writing about faith, family and community. To participate or suggest a church, contact us at or 573-785-1414.