Poplar Bluff Junior High School students reported to school personnel Tuesday morning they saw a student in possession of a firearm.
Superintendent Scott Dill said a junior high student was found to have brought a weapon to school shortly before 8:30 a.m.
"It was handled immediately and at no point was anyone in danger," Dill said. "We commend the students who saw something and quickly reported it."
The Poplar Bluff Police Department responded immediately to the report of a student with a firearm on campus, Chief Danny Whiteley said.
"Anything involving the schools and our children will be treated in the most expeditious manner possible," he said.
According to Deputy Chief Donnie Trout, prior to receiving the call at 8:30 a.m., the school's student resource officer and school officials had the weapon and student secured.
"This was all very fluid and happened simultaneously," Trout said.
The 13-year-old student has since been taken into custody and the weapon was secured.
The investigation is ongoing, Trout said, but during the interview with police officers, the student disclosed he only intended to use the firearm to scare other students. His "electronic devices" have been seized and other interviews are being conducted.
"Preliminarily, we see no outward indicators of a planned event," Whiteley said.
Dill said this situation is something any school district takes seriously and will also be done at the Poplar Bluff R-1 School District and never allowed.
He added that the community holds a responsibility of not allowing children access to weapons.
"We have a collective responsibility to kids in the community to make sure we are doing everything we can together to keep everyone safe," he said.