Parker Smith
Parker is in Ms. Terry and Ms. Subrina’s calss.
Parker’s family includes his parents Heath and Jessica and brothers Peyton and Paxton.
He enjoys everything about his family. His favorite activity is playing with trucks and tractors. He enjoys it because he plays with his brothers. Parker says he enjoys pre-school because he can play with his friends.
When Parker grows up he wants to be a policeman because he wants to take bad people to jail.
His best memory of Sacred Heart School is the Christmas program.
Parker’s favorite book is Pete the Cat because it’s funny. In his free time he like to eat and play with his brothers.
The interesting things about me I would like to tell others is “I love to talk to everyone and ask a ton of questions”
Third Grade
Cash Laffoon
Cash’s parents are Leah and Justin and he has a dog named Chuck and a cat named Bonjee
Cash enjoys everything about his family.
His favorite activity is playing with his friends he enjoys it because the make him laught.
His favorite subject is Math because he likes to figure things out.
When he grows up he wants to be an engineer because you get to build stuff.
His best memory is when his parents came and at lunch with him at school.
His favorite book is the Magic Tree House because there is so much action.
In his free time he likes to ride his four wheeler and go fishing.
Interesting things about Cash he would like to tell others is he likes trains and chasing them and he wished he had a horse.