Shoulders for Highway T and Highway PP top a list of Butler County needs for state road improvements, according to a meeting held Wednesday by county commissioners.
Butler, Carter, Reynolds, Ripley and Wayne counties are in the process of finalizing their road improvement needs list.
These lists will be presented at a July 27 meeting of county commissioners to decide regional priorities.
The rankings help the Missouri Department of Transportation when making funding decisions, said Andrew Murphy, transportation planning coordinator for Ozark Foothills Regional Planning Commission.
They are compiled on an annual basis, but this year is on an accelerated schedule, Murphy explained. The regional list is normally finalized in October, under a schedule set by MoDOT.
Butler County is also seeking a straighter and more level section of Highway M, about two miles west of Highway 67.
Safety needs helped determine which projects to include, said presiding commissioner Vince Lampe.
Accidents involving vehicles pulling trailers are a problem on Highway T because of the lack of shoulders, said Lampe. The highway sees high traffic because of visitors to Wappapello Lake and surrounding recreation areas.
Commissioners would like to see shoulders from the Butler County line to Highway 60.
Shoulders are also needed on Highway PP, from Township Line to Lakeview County Road, they believe.
In addition to a project priority list, counties create priority lists for maintenance needs and alternative transportation needs.
The lists are not a guarantee of funding, Murphy said, but help the state in the decision-making process.
Residents of County Road 608 also attended the meeting to speak about safety concerns they have regarding traffic at the intersection of their road and Highway 53.
MoDOT does not consider this a good location for a stoplight, said officials, who have contacted the state highway department about other alternatives.
Donna and Lester Pinner asked for additional signage, a change in speed limits or some other alternative.
In the last year, the intersection has seen one fatal accident and other injuries, Donna Pinner said. The couple have lived on County Road 608 for 55 years.
"We need something that's going to slow the traffic down, so they're not flying through that intersection," Lester Pinner said.
The Pinners and County Road 608 resident Dorothy O'Kelley said they hope a resolution is found quickly for their concerns.
"We will do our best to try to help you," eastern district commissioner Butch Anderson said, adding there are a variety of different types of signage that could be considered.