November 30, 2018

Not only did the Poplar Bluff's student council return home earlier this month as Southeast District president, they also brought back a surprise to high school principal Mike Owen. Owen was named the Missouri Association of Student Councils Southeast District Principal of the Year from the recommendation of the Poplar Bluff student council...

Not only did the Poplar Bluff's student council return home earlier this month as Southeast District president, they also brought back a surprise to high school principal Mike Owen.

Owen was named the Missouri Association of Student Councils Southeast District Principal of the Year from the recommendation of the Poplar Bluff student council.

"It was a total surprise," Owen said. "It's very flattering and honoring they would think to recommend me. They do all the work."

The Poplar Bluff student council submitted a nomination statement about Owen and over 100 advisors throughout the district voted him as the most impactful.

"You're basing your vote strictly off the endorsement of your home council who wrote the nomination," Student Council Advisor Mitch Davis said.

Once returning home from the convention, Davis delivered the news to Owen, who didn't believe what he was told.

"I argued with him," Owen said.

Davis admits it took about half the day to convince Owen he was the Southeast District Principal of the Year.

Once Student Council President Eva Bedell offered her congratulations to Owen, he said he finally thought their might be something to the story.

"I have never walked into his office and asked to do something and he said, 'I don't think so,'" Bedell said. "He always says, 'what can we do to make it better or better fit what we want the atmosphere of the school to be.'"

Bedell went on to say Owen and student council work well together because he is so willing to work with the club.

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"Even if he thinks it's a terrible idea he will greet us with a smile and be nice about it," Student Council Vice President Geneva Taylor said.

For Davis, what sticks out most for him as an employee of Poplar Bluff High School was Owen's first meeting with teachers after being named head principal two years ago.

"He said, 'I want you to come to work everyday and have fun,'" Davis said. "That sets the tone because student council is, I think, the biggest driving force in school to make it fun for kids."

Davis went on to say when the school has a principal with this mission, it helps teachers try to get things done in a positive way for the students.

Everyone works better if they enjoy their job, Owen believes, whether that be students or adults.

"If they can have fun in class they are going to work harder for you," he said. "There is no reason you can't have fun and work hard. It's the same with teachers, if they are having fun in class, they are going to work harder."

As a voice for the whole school, Owen said he needs student council members to help communicate with students.

Whether it be concerns, questions or wanting more of something, Owen said he reaches out to student council members for feedback to determine if this is the thoughts of the whole school or a small representation.

"They do a lot more for the school than just plan fun events," he said. "They help the school function."

Now with the title of Southeast District Principal of the Year, Owen will be in the running for State Principal of the Year.

Owen will be presented with his award at the Missouri Association of Student Councils State Convention in March, alongside the Poplar Bluff student council, which will be running for MASC state president.

"When you have a principal that sees the vision of how student council can make a difference and improve school climate, that is what helps us," Davis said. He's always looking for a reason to say 'yes' and that's why we were happy to nominate him and thankful he won."

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