February 27, 2018

From Staff Reports Puxico Board of Aldermen approved a contract Feb. 15 for Henson Trash Service to continue collecting trash in Puxico for five years. Chad Henson of Henson Trash Service presently has the contract for trash service which ends in September. Henson offered a five year contract for removal with the first two years' rates staying the same as they are now ($12.30 per customer) and year three through five would have an annual 50 cent increase per customer...

From Staff Reports

Puxico Board of Aldermen approved a contract Feb. 15 for Henson Trash Service to continue collecting trash in Puxico for five years.

Chad Henson of Henson Trash Service presently has the contract for trash service which ends in September. Henson offered a five year contract for removal with the first two years' rates staying the same as they are now ($12.30 per customer) and year three through five would have an annual 50 cent increase per customer.

For no additional charge, the city would have two city-wide cleanup days where Henson Trash would place a roll-off dumpster at City Hall for Puxico residents to bring large items for disposal. Finally, Henson Trash would be providing new polycarts for each residence to use for weekly trash disposal.

Maintenance supervisor David Hawthorne stated Matt Horn no longer works for the city since he has a job at the City of Essex. Hawthorne discussed bid quotes from Baker Implement, Poplar Bluff Farm Equipment and Greenway Equipment for a new mower, using the 2305 John Deere tractor with 62" cutter deck as a trade-in. The board asked Hawthorne to check each of the possible new mowers and determine which best fits his needs and the board will make a decision at the regular March Board meeting.

Marshal Rick Sheren reported the police Ford Explorer was involved in an accident at Harold's Garage while it was there for an oil change. Sheren listed summonses to be heard at the March Municipal Court, including loose dogs, vicious dogs and failure to register vehicle. The marshal's office did five assists for the county this month. Sheren presented an application for William Woodard to become a reserve police officer. Mayor Rick McLean made the appointed Woodard appointment and aldermen Bill Hemby, GS Kilbreth and Gary Burns approved the appointment. Alderman Gary Wilfong was absent.

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Fire Chief Stacy Starnes said the fire department had been called to a motor vehicle accident in the past month. The brush truck broke down at a call and had to be towed back in to the station. Starnes presented an application for firefighter from Heather Mace. Mayor McLean appointed Mace as a firefighter and the aldermen approved the appointment. Starnes asked Jesse Crank be appointed as assistant fire chief to replace Wyatt Taylor. The mayor appointed Crank with the position beginning March 1.

The mayor discussed an insurance claim the city has made concerning water damage to the flooring at the nutrition center. The water line under the floor from the hot water heater to the kitchen area had been spewing water from a break for several weeks before it was found. The insurance adjuster is reviewing the claim.

Under Emergency Management, the mayor set an open meeting concerning floodplain mapping for Feb. 20.s

Under new business, the board discussed the purchase of a new copier/fax/printer for the City Hall office.

The City Hall office has a Konica Minolta from NovaCopy (Shelton Business) copier on trial which connects with all computers in the office for printing purposes and has a fax option which would eliminate the use of an additional fax machine. The cost is $3,700 after a $200 trade-in on the old machine.

The city water bills would not print correctly. The NovaCopy tech talked with the city's water billing software tech person on the phone, trying to fix the printing problem, but, at this time, the new copier will not print the water bills correctly.

The board told the clerk it did not wish to make a purchase of this copier until it was able to print the water bills. The clerk is to discuss this problem with the NovaCopy sales representative.

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