In Genesis chapter 1, we have the story of how God created the world in six literal days. After each day, God saw that it was good.
The only exception is day two. In Genesis 1:6-8, we have the description of the second day of creation.
The bible says in verse 6, “And God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” In verse 7, the bible says “… and it was so.” Not that it was good, but that it was so.
Day two is a day of division and God is not for division. Separation yes, division no.
In the first chapter of Genesis, verses 1-5, we read about the creation of the first day. Verse 4 says “… and God saw the light that it was good:”
In verses 9-13, we read about day three. Verse 12 “… and God saw that it was good.” We can read about the fourth day in verses 14-19. And in verse 18, it says “… and God saw that it was good.” Verses 20-23 are the events of the fifth day, and in verse 21 it says “… and God saw that it was good.” And finally on day six, in verses 24 and 25, the bible says in verse 25 “… and God saw that it was good.”
As God closes out the first chapter in the bible, He ends it with verse 31 and says “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.”
When God created the world and all the things that are in it, He said it was good. It was good because what God does is good and perfect.
One might ask, if God created a perfect and good world, then what happened? It’s obviously not good now. The world is full of death, sin, wickedness and tragedy.
Man is what happened. Even Adam, the first man, was created good and innocent until sin was found in him. In just a few chapters into Genesis, we can read of how humanity had changed what God had created as good. Genesis 6:5 says “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth.”
Everything God makes or creates is good, the home and marriage for instance. God created it good and pure until man began to corrupt it.
How does God see it now in the world? Homosexuality, fornication and adultery has become the norm. Secondly, the church. God created the church to be pure and wholesome and to be followers of Christ and ambassadors for Him, until man began to change the bible with new perversions and altering His doctrines. I wonder if God still looks at the modern church and says its good?
Lastly, God’s plan for salvation is good. His plan has always been good. Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and if you’ll trust him and ask him to forgive your sin and save you, He will.
But there will be those who will corrupt God’s plan of grace with works and self salvation. Remember, God’s plan is good.
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Dr. Robert Randolph is the founding pastor of Highway Baptist Church in Greenville, Mo. and a U.S. Navy veteran.