July 17, 2018

God, Jesus and us (mankind). Should you decide to make a study of the subject, where would you start? If you are wise, you would not go to the great libraries of the world but to the Bible, the greatest book in the world. The whole Bible is about God, his son and us and about our relationship with him in life and our final destiny. ...

God, Jesus and us (mankind). Should you decide to make a study of the subject, where would you start? If you are wise, you would not go to the great libraries of the world but to the Bible, the greatest book in the world. The whole Bible is about God, his son and us and about our relationship with him in life and our final destiny. There is one verse that about summarizes the whole subject. It is one of the best known and best loved verses in the Bible, but I suspect it is one far more quoted than comprehended-John 3:16.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

It has been called the "Golden test" of the Bible.

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Let us look at this verse. It begins with God-so does everything else. It is reasonable to think there was a time when there was God and nothing else for he is the creator and sustainer of the universe. He is the source and sustainer of all life-without beginning or end. He is the eternal self-existent spirit being-existing completely independent of any other source-he, himself, being the source and essence of all life. He has revealed himself as a loving heavenly father, a most endearing concept of the eternal God, and one that has meant much to me since I was a child. Of course, he is the father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and we ought to be delighted to love and serve him.

Now we may look at Jesus as God's only begotten son, not one of many, but the only one of his kind, born of human mother but conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit (Ghost-King James) Luke 1:35. Also Matthew 1:20-25. Jesus came and shed his blood on Calvary's cross, not so much to appease the wrath of an angry God as to demonstrate the depth and intensity of his love for a sin-loving, ungrateful and indifferent people-not for a select few but for "Whosoever believeth in Him." Even though we may not be worthy of his love because of our love for sin and our indifference toward him, yet his love remains constant toward us for it is not a conditional love. Our love for our children is a natural love not conditioned by their love for us.

How can we not respond in love to one who gave his life for us while yet in our sins? Have you come to know the joy of sins forgiven? Or the joy of genuine worship of God not just form and ritual? Have you had the joy of telling a friend or family member about your Lord and Savior and what he means to you?

I have spent the major part of my life in loving, devoted service to Him, and I would do it again. I am looking forward to meeting my Savior face to face and sitting at his feet listening to his loving voice as he welcomes me in my final home.

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