July 23, 2017

Everyone wants to be proud of their community, but it doesn't come easily. It takes all of us. Unfortunately, some people believe improving a community can only be done by those who have funds to put behind their ideas. Granted, benefactors who invest in our community are a valuable component; however, everyone can contribute toward improving our community. ...

Carolyn Smith

Everyone wants to be proud of their community, but it doesn't come easily. It takes all of us. Unfortunately, some people believe improving a community can only be done by those who have funds to put behind their ideas. Granted, benefactors who invest in our community are a valuable component; however, everyone can contribute toward improving our community. There is an organization in Poplar Bluff which makes a maximum impact on our community with a minimum investment. And, you can be a part of it.

In 2012, the Poplar Bluff Regional Giving Circle, a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization was established with the express purpose of joining with others to make a difference in Poplar Bluff and the surrounding area. For a minimum annual investment of $50 you can become a member. (Of course, you can invest more than $50 -- there is no limit to how much you can contribute.) Each year from Aug. 1 through Sept. 30, non-profit organizations in Poplar Bluff and the surrounding area may submit a request for a grant from the PBRGC. The board will review the requests and members will meet in October to vote for the most deserving ideas. The requests are voted on by the members. PBRGC. NOTE: PBRGC members only have one vote regardless of his/her annual contribution. A letter is sent to the groups who are chosen and they are presented with their check at the annual board meeting in November.

In their first year of operation, PBRGC awarded two grants totaling $2,300. Recipients were: CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) and Child Concern. Awards totaling $3,523 were awarded in 2013: CASA, Haven House, OFRA (Ozark Family Resource Agency) and Recycling Grace Women's Center. In 2014, grants were awarded to: CASA, Child Concern Center, Recycling Grace Women's Center and Butler County Council of Aging for a total of $4,000. $6,000 in grants were awarded in 2015: Butler County Council on Aging, CASA, Child Concern Center, Recycling Grace Women's Center, and Whole Kids Outreach. Last year, 2016, $6,850 was awarded: Butler County Council on Aging, CASA, Child Concern Center, Recycling Grace Women's Center, St. Vincent de Paul, Bright Futures, and The Bread Shed.

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Requests for 2017 will be accepted beginning Tuesday, Aug. 1. If you would like your organization considered for a grant this year, contact Charles Harper, 573-785-4547 or Sheldon Tyler, 573-6472 for more information.

An effort is made to fund all the groups who meet the criteria; however, there is only so much money available. On one occasion, the requests exceeded the funds available; however, all the requests were worthwhile. The decision was made to fund each request at 50 percent of their request which meant each organization received monies to fund their project. Ideally, Giving Circles would prefer to fund all requests at 100 percent, but that isn't always possible. Many of the recipients are repeats. There is no limit to the number years an organization may submit a grant request. As long as the project is deemed worthy, they will be considered.

As word spreads about "Giving Circles" more groups have applied for grants. Fortunately, PBRGC membership has grown, too, making it possible to help more organizations each year.

If you would like to be part of making Poplar Bluff a better place to live, consider joining Poplar Bluff Regional Giving Circle so you can have a voice in improving your community. It's easy to become a part of PBRGC. You can join online at pbgivingcircle.org or mail a check to Kirk Mondy, PBRGC Treasurer, 2626 Shady Lane, Poplar Bluff, MO 63941. For more information about PBRGC, like them at Facebook, visit them online at www.pbgivingcircle.org, email them @ pbgivingcircle@gmail.com page or contact Charles Harper, 573-785-4547 or Sheldon Tyler, 573-785-6472.

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