June 13, 2017

Appearing at Carnegie Hall is a prestigious honor for anyone, but for a 20-year-old Grandin, Mo., man and 57 of his fellow students at the College of the Ozarks the performance, as well as the trip, was a dream come true. Dylan Coleman and his friends raised their voices Memorial Day to honor those who have given their lives for others' freedom. ...

Appearing at Carnegie Hall is a prestigious honor for anyone, but for a 20-year-old Grandin, Mo., man and 57 of his fellow students at the College of the Ozarks the performance, as well as the trip, was a dream come true.

Dylan Coleman and his friends raised their voices Memorial Day to honor those who have given their lives for others' freedom. Coleman, the son of Kenny and Rachel Coleman of Grandin, is a graduate of East Carter County High School at Ellsinore and a junior business administration major, with an emphasis in marketing, at the school in Point Lookout, Mo.

The college's chorale director Dr. John Cornish explained, "the college wanted to take advantage of this exciting opportunity for students to perform in one of the greatest music venues in the world. Additionally, it was a great opportunity for our students to experience New York City, including important sites, such as the 9/11 Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art."

The group visited Pearl Studios May 29, to rehearse for Carnegie Hall. "Saturday and Sunday mornings were the times we rehearsed "Requiem for the Living," a piece composed by Dan Forrest," Coleman explained, "This is the piece our chorale director Dr. Cornish allowed me to perform in."

As gratifying as performing at Carnegie Hall, many of the experiences on the trip helped Coleman form a greater understanding of the troops in the past and today.

On the journey to New York, the students, along with 10 sponsors, left Missouri May 24 and "on the 25th, we made a stop in Gettysburg to tour and pay respects to those fallen at the Battle of Gettysburg," Coleman said. "I will hold the images of the landscape and the mental image of what the battle may have been like in my heart for the rest of my life.

"It was a very humbling experience to realize right where I stood, thousands had died, and even more were injured," Coleman recalls. "It helped me form an even greater support for the troops we have today. Our Chorale sang "Mansions of the Lord" at Gettysburg on Cemetery Ridge, which was where Pickett's Charge took place."

Once in New York, the Chorale performed "Lux Aeterna" in St. Paul's Chapel and visited the 9/11 Memorial.

Coleman describes visiting the 9/11 Memorial as "another humbling experience because of all the artifacts that were preserved from the tragic event. The museum contained video from old newscasts, steel beams from the towers, destroyed fire trucks/ambulances and clothing worn by those who survived, and those who did not.

"The experience reinvigorated my love for my country, as I hope it did for my fellow students, and those who had the opportunity to attend the museum."

The group visited Trinity Church where a scene in "National Treasure" was filmed and Federal Hall, where George Washington took his oath as the first president of the United States.

During the time spent at the Brooklyn Bridge, they took photos of the skyline.

"We visited Chinatown and Little Italy for more sightseeing and souvenirs; we visited the courthouse; we visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art and got to see artifacts from Egypt, Greece, Africa, as well as modern pieces of art," said Coleman, who added, "my favorite part of the museum was being able to witness an actual Stradivarius violin. The amount of history in Stradivarius violins is astounding, and they can be appraised for millions of dollars."

They watched Anastasia at the Broadhurst Theatre on Broadway May 27 while Coleman said, "The performance was spectacular, and the performers were very kind people. We had the opportunity to meet them after the show."

The group went to St. Patrick's Cathedral outside Rockefeller Center May 28.

"The cathedral is enormous and beautifully crafted in its Gothic theme," he said. "Afterwards, we stopped by a grocery store, purchased food and had a picnic in Central Park. Once we finished eating, the Chorale took a stand upon a rock and sang a few of the pieces we prepared for Carnegie Hall. After leaving Central Park, we stopped by the Lincoln Center on the way to our hotel."

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The Lincoln Center is where the New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra is housed and Coleman said, "it was very exciting to see the building, even though it was closed."

Coleman explained, "we were fortunate with having food carts at the ready when we were pressed for time in between stops. We also ate at Lombardi's, America's first pizzeria. I personally was not too fond of it, but the atmosphere was fantastic. Planet Hollywood in Times Square was very nice as well. The restaurant had memorabilia of actors throughout, as well as props actually used in various movies."

The group also went for a small cruise around Ellis Island that included a dinner and a dance.

While New York does not have the same atmosphere as it does in movies, Coleman said, "it does contain an astonishing amount of homeless people. But, it was hard to distinguish who was fake, and who was actually homeless because some people make a living that way.

"I learned quickly not to make eye contact with a lot of people on the street because there are always going to be people selling things or asking for money; if you make eye contact with them, they will approach you, undoubtedly.

"Normally, they make a big scene to try and guilt trip you into buying what they are selling or giving them money, which is why New Yorker's keep their heads down.

"Nonetheless, it is still a fantastic city," he said. "Once you get submerged in the culture, you gain a deeper understanding for what New York really is, a beautiful metropolis with views a person should not go without witnessing."

Coleman plans on returning to New York one day. "Possibly on business, or just for vacation," he said.

He's grateful for the experience provided by the school.

"I decided to attend College of the Ozarks because of the like-minded people who also attend here, and because of the work program," Coleman said. "The work program pays off tuition, which helps students stay out of debt from student loans. College of the Ozarks gives you the tools to become a successful individual," Coleman said. "The connections you make here aid in making more connections outside college. The more people you meet, the farther you can go with your goals and aspirations. In addition, various programs provide students with the opportunity to travel, as we did in this trip."

He became involved with the college music department through the various bands. "I started in concert band, joined orchestra later, played in a few of the school's theater performances, and recently jazz band," he said. "Through these, the music department's supervisor viewed me as an individual who could become a good addition to the work station, and I decided to join."

Music hasn't always been a part of Coleman's life.

He said, "Honestly, from what my parents tell me, I hated music as a toddler. Anytime anyone played music from any toy/radio/television, I would scream and cry. It was not until around third grade my father began playing this old Johnny Cash cassette tape in his truck that made me fall in love with music. I started with Johnny Cash's music, and my tastes began to expand from there."

Today, he plays guitar, bass, drums, various percussive instruments and a little piano. "I plan on getting better at the piano; I also plan on learning a wind instrument, but I have not decided which one quite yet," he said.

After school, he plans on working with a resort or hotel service as a marketing manager.

"Maybe a hotel in New York has an opening for one," he said. "I would love to work at a hotel in New York."

The video of the Chorale's performance is on the College of the Ozarks Facebook page.

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