January 22, 2024

Free tax clinics will be offered starting in February for residents who are 100% disabled or aged 65 or older. The effort from the AmeriCorps Seniors Retired Senior Volunteer Program and AARP will be held every Tuesday and Thursday, Feb. 6 until April 13, in the Twin Towers. The hours will be between 8:30-11 a.m...

Free tax clinics will be offered starting in February for residents who are 100% disabled or aged 65 or older.

The effort from the AmeriCorps Seniors Retired Senior Volunteer Program and AARP will be held every Tuesday and Thursday, Feb. 6 until April 13, in the Twin Towers. The hours will be between 8:30-11 a.m.

Those wanting to have taxes prepared must have an appointment, which may be made by calling 573-686-8624, said RSVP Director Jennifer Rosener.

“We’re going to be doing everything, property tax credits, rent and federal and state taxes,” she said.

Those who attend will need to bring all forms of income, proof of health insurance for federal returns and Form 5674 completed by their landlord.

“We still have a few people who come in bringing a letter from the landlord, but they really need to have Form. 5674 filled out by their landlord,” Rosener said. “If they don’t have those forms, they can pick them up here at our office.

“People don’t think they need their interest income, but, yes, even if it’s two cents, we still need it.”

Anyone who is 100% disabled or 65 and older may qualify for help filing federal and state taxes, as well as property tax and rental credits.

In order to claim the property tax credit, Rosener added, there are also income guidelines, and if one has federal tax withheld, they must file a 1040.

The paperwork needed, Rosener said, are all forms of income.

“Social Security, if they receive a pension, if they have interest income, they have to bring all those into us,” she said. “One way they can know if they have the right thing is usually on the form, it’ll be a 1099 or 1098.

“If they’re doing the property tax, they have to have a paid property tax receipt. If they are renting, they have to have a form 5674 filled out by their landlord.”

Forms can be found online at the Missouri Department of Revenue website, www.dor.mo.gov or forms may be picked up at RSVP office.

Tax tools are also available online at IRS.gov.

Property tax and renter rebates are determined on a sliding scale. The size of the household also helps determine if, and how much, the return may be, said Rosener.

She stressed those applying for the property tax credit or the rent rebate must have the proper tax forms.

“You must meet all the requirements in order to file your taxes,” Rosener said.

Requirements to participate in the free clinics:

• Be 65 years old or 100% disabled. Letter that proves your disability or Disabled Veterans Documentation.

• Bring all proof of income (W2s, Social Security, SSI, 1099s and interest income).

• Bring Social Security cards.

• In case of rent, individual must have a verification of paid rent (Form 5674) from the landlord.

• 2023 paid real estate receipts.

• Power of attorney or Federal Form 1310 and death certificates.

• Information concerning landlord (name, address, phone number, Social Security or taxpayer identification number).

AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP is a volunteer organization and has been serving the area since 1973. If interested in more information on how to become a volunteer please call 573-686-8624.
