February 4, 2020

Nearly 40 people showed up Tuesday at the first day of free AARP tax clinics which are being held at the Twin Towers. RSVP Director Jennifer Rosener said, 30 had property tax paperwork prepared and filed while nine were able to have their federal and state taxes done...

DAR/Barbara Ann Horton
AARP volunteers (from left) Darlene Slavings of Malden, Debbie Lathum of Doniphan, RSVP Director Jennifer Rosener and Janice Adams of Malden are training for area tax clinic to help seniors and disabled citizens with their taxes.
DAR/Barbara Ann Horton AARP volunteers (from left) Darlene Slavings of Malden, Debbie Lathum of Doniphan, RSVP Director Jennifer Rosener and Janice Adams of Malden are training for area tax clinic to help seniors and disabled citizens with their taxes.

Nearly 40 people showed up Tuesday at the first day of free AARP tax clinics which are being held at the Twin Towers.

RSVP Director Jennifer Rosener said, 30 had property tax paperwork prepared and filed while nine were able to have their federal and state taxes done.

“I believe the rain kept people away,” Rosener said. “We always tell them if the weather is not good, go ahead and wait for a better day.”

The tax clinics will be from 8-11 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday, until Thursday, April 9, at the Twin Towers. AARP volunteers are part of the RSVP Senior Corps and will assist those needing help, Rosener said.

Anyone who is 100% disabled or 65 and older can qualify for help filing federal and state taxes, as well as property tax and rental credits.

Volunteers also will hold clinics in Doniphan, Van Buren, Wayne County, Malden, Dexter and Kennett.

The AARP tax clinic volunteers are trained to help seniors and disabled persons, Rosener said.

The workers have trained as a group or online to become well versed in the new tax codes dealing with seniors and disabled persons, as well as disabled veterans.

Volunteers like district coordinator Debbie Lathum of Doniphan has volunteered 27 years with the program and re-trains every year to learn the changes in the tax laws. “I like to help people,” Lathum said, “I was a teacher for 20 years.”

Lathum enjoys using her accounting skills to help the seniors and disabled get their taxes prepared for free.

“Saving them money makes me feel good, being able to particularly help seniors,” Lathum added.

She considers using her accounting skills as a way she can pay them back for the services they have provided in their lives.

Betty Newton of Van Buren is “exited about helping. We want to help the community. I enjoy working with people.”

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Rosener explained, upon arriving, those wanting help should register in the Twin Towers community room and will be assisted as soon as a worker is available.

She said, tax season is “a really special times. We see a lot of the same ones come to the tax clinic every year,”

Property tax and renter rebates are determined on a sliding scale. The size of the household also helps determine if and how much the return may be, said Rosener.

Rosener stressed those applying for the property tax credit or the rent rebate must have to have the proper tax forms.

“You must meet all the requirements in order to file your taxes,” Rosener said.

Requirements to participate in the free clinics:

• Be 65 years old or 100% disabled. Letter that proves your disability or Disabled Veterans Documentation

• Bring all proof of income (W2s, Social Security, SSI, 1099s and interest income)

• Bring Social Security cards

• In case of rent, individual must have a verification of paid rent (Form 5674) from the landlord

• 2019 paid real estate receipts

• Power of attorney or Federal Form 1310 and death certificates

• Information concerning landlord (name, address, phone number, Social Security or taxpayer identification number)

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