August 7, 2021

The Children’s Ministry of Cornerstone Tabernacle at 3516 N. Westwood Blvd. invites any and all to attend the Summer Jam on Sunday. It will take place following morning service, starting at 12:30 p.m. and lasting until 3 p.m. No one has to attend the church services before the event, but they are welcome if they would like to attend...

Albert Morrow Contributing Writer

The Children’s Ministry of Cornerstone Tabernacle at 3516 N. Westwood Blvd. invites any and all to attend the Summer Jam on Sunday. It will take place following morning service, starting at 12:30 p.m. and lasting until 3 p.m. No one has to attend the church services before the event, but they are welcome if they would like to attend.

Event organizer Andrea Sisk wants the community to know they “are loved and welcomed to have fun and fellowship at no cost.”

She has set up a free-to-the-public, family-friendly event that includes food, music and activities.

Knava Bounce Houses of Advance, Missouri, will be setting up on the church’s large front lawn. They will be bringing the Toddler Playland, Rock Climb Retro Slide Obstacle Course, Helix Slide, Sport Combo and the Velcro Wall to the event.

The church’s youth group, led by Abigail Dylan, will be doing face painting.

There will also be a dunking booth. Sisk has told Pastor Stephen Burns and the pastoral staff to bring extra clothes. She is putting them in the booth to give attendees a chance to “Dunk a Pastor.”

When attendees get hungry, there will be food provided by traveling chef Jimmy Moore of Dudley, Missouri.

The jam portion of the event will take place on a stage constructed for the day. The concert held will be an informal jam session of local musicians playing singly and together.

Summer Jam event-goers will have the opportunity to get a professional photograph courtesy of SEMO Selfie of Dexter. They will have a photo booth set up that will print up a commemorative event photograph with a tie-dye background.

There will also be yard games on the church’s lawn, including gaga ball. The action-packed, high-energy game of gaga ball requires a special enclosure. Children’s Youth Pastor Donald Jones constructed a gaga ball pit for the event.

Safety and leadership are two prime concerns of Sisk.

“We want everyone to be safe and have fun,” she said. “That’s what it is all about.”

She wants potential attendees to know that a first aid station will be set up and event staff will be available to attendees who need assistance or if any problems arise. They will be easily identifiable in tie-dye shirts.

“The pandemic canceled last year’s Easter event, so we decided to do something different,” said Sisk.

She hopes that people of all denominations will come out and make this updated event a success.
