After prayerful and diligent consideration, the Board of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) located at 1601 N. Main St. has decided to resume morning worship on May 17.
The church has reviewed the data from the Butler County Health Department and Missouri Department of Health and will use social distancing guidelines, barring any unforeseen circumstances or changes in the state mandated “stay-at-home” orders.
Additional guidelines also have been established and can be found on the church’s web page — or its church Facebook page.
“Prayerfully consider the guidelines before making his or her decision to join us in worship,” said the Rev. Frank Chlastak, the church’s pastor. “All are welcome to God’s welcoming table at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).”
The worship service is 10:30 a.m. There will be no Sunday school until further notice.
More information may be obtained on our church web page, Facebook page or by calling the church at 785-6466.