November 8, 2017

From Staff Reports Sewers, emergency management training and approving firefighters kept the Puxico Board of Aldermen busy Thursday, Oct. 26. The meeting was moved from Oct. 19 in order to have a quorum. Attending were Mayor Rick McLean, Bill Hemby, GS Kilbreth and Gary Wilfong. Gary Burns was absent...

From Staff Reports

Sewers, emergency management training and approving firefighters kept the Puxico Board of Aldermen busy Thursday, Oct. 26.

The meeting was moved from Oct. 19 in order to have a quorum. Attending were Mayor Rick McLean, Bill Hemby, GS Kilbreth and Gary Wilfong. Gary Burns was absent.

The aldermen discussed a letter from Rural Development stating the CDBG grant $500,000, Rural Development Grant $596,000, and Rural Development Loan $1,812,000 would be used for the Sewer Improvement Project required by the Department of Natural Resources.

Aldermen approved policies which need to be in place to receive grants such as the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Resolution 17-04, which was a Section 504 and ADA complaint resolution, gave the mayor authority to sign the resolution.

The aldermen discussed the final sewer rate increase necessary to reach an average user charge of $40.32 so the city is eligible for sewer grants and loans. The average user is a person who uses 5,000 gallons of water a month. The board looked at several options: adding to or lessening the flat rate while increasing the per thousand rate. At this time, the flat rate is $15.80 and the per thousand rate is $3, which has the average user being charged $30.80 for sewer use each month. In order to help the fixed income residents as much as possible, Hemby moved the board set the flat rate at $13.82 and the per thousand rate at $5.30 which will make the minimum amount paid $29.72 and the average user charge $40.32. Wilfong seconded. The motion passed.

The clerk will write an ordinance using these amounts to be presented at the November board meeting for approval. The ordinance will have the new rates going into effect May 2018.

Kent Polsgrove, Stoddard County Emergency Management Director, discussed updates in emergency management. All emergency responders have some level of required trainings. These trainings may be done online with the least requirement being IS100 (Incident Command System) and IS700 (National Incident Management System - NIMS). Stoddard County EMA has partnered with Nixle to implement its Community Notification System to alert residents in real-time for localized emergency situations. Residents may register either on their mobile phone or on line. Stoddard County EMA is working with David Battles for yearly maintenance on each community's warning siren.

Fire Chief Rusty Parker stated the training for the fire department's first responders will be in January. A basic firefighter class for any area firefighter has been planned for the first two weekends in December in the city hall community room. He told the aldermen the transmission on the GMC needs to be repaired.

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The mayor, upon Parker's request, appointed Stacy Starnes assistant fire chief. The aldermen approved the appointment.

Parker's seven applications for firemen were Jordan Armstrong (junior firefighter), Zachary Stroud, Amanda Powell, Hunter Tackett, Zack McCoy, Justiss Cookson and Ethan Andrews. Mayor McLean and the aldermen approved the appointments,

Marshall Rick Sheren listed the tickets/summons to be heard Nov. 14 at city court, as well as the state charges which will be heard elsewhere. Sheren traveled to Orlando, Fla., to attend Phazzer training and receive certification for use of equipment and for training of other officers in the use of equipment. The Explorer police vehicle has had two recalls which are being addressed. Michelle Priest, police officer, is in the process of obtaining a dog to be trained as a drug dog. The police department is receiving donations to pay for the dog's training and certification.

Chris Strickler, with animal control said, his city vehicle needs work. It was one of the fire department's brush trucks and the lights are not working. Alderman Hemby volunteered to check the lights and their wiring to determine what the problem is and fix it.

Since maintenance supervisor David Hawthorne was attending the Missouri Rural Water Association conference in Lake of the Ozarks, the mayor asked the clerk to check into striping the parking lines on the main street and the library front parking.

Mayor McLean picked up the engraved bricks from Poplar Bluff Monument and they placed in front of the library.

The mayor stated the school would be holding a Freedom Assembly, Friday, Nov. 10, which will include a parade, to honor veterans from the community.

The board set 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 11, as a special meeting date to discuss 2018 insurance quotes and make decisions concerning insurance for the coming year.

The City Christmas dinner was set at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19, with Lynn Holloway catering the dinner.

Herman Morse, candidate for the 151st District Representative, was present.

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