Southeast Missouri Hospital officials contacted the Southeast Missourian Thursday morning to report a fake post circulating on Facebook. The post, which uses the Southeast Missourian logo, wrongly says that a press conference is scheduled at the hospital.
The Southeast Missourian did not make the post; nor is it on the Southeast Missourian facebook page or website.
"It appears someone has used our logo to try to stir up anxiety and controversy," said Jon K. Rust, publisher of the newspaper. "We will be reporting this to Facebook and law enforcement. But it is important for everyone in Southeast Missouri to know that the post is a fake."
UPDATE 9:33 a.m.
From Jon K. Rust publisher:
It appears the post was made by a local Cape Girardeau man who in the past has sought to parody local news and institutions. I am not going to identify him at this time while we investigate further – and to prevent him from gaining more attention.
But comments by “friends” on the site suggest the post was made for shock value. It was shared at least 170 times.
The original post and commentary have now been removed from Facebook.
For more information, continue to check directly.