The eighth annual Restore the Rodgers Banquet will be Thursday at the Black River Coliseum. Social hour will be from 6-7 p.m., followed by a catered dinner.
Entertainment will be The Sisters of Swing, followed by a charity auction. Macy Webb from the group stated they are excited to perform at the banquet.
The theme “Puttin’ on The Ritz Rodgers Style” was planned in conjunction with the theater’s 75th anniversary grand opening, which was June 1, 1949.
“This is the eighth annual banquet and the banquets have proven to be the major fundraiser to restore the Historic Rodgers Theatre,” board member Wally Duncan said.
Duncan wants to thank all of the table sponsors and, “We hope to have a great turnout.”
The Rodgers banquet began seven years ago as the brainchild of Tom Lawson and Wally Duncan, said board member Brent Davis said.
“Only when the banquet became part of the Rodgers yearly events did we start making enough money to do serious renovations,” he said. “Until then, we made enough money on shows to repair only those things that had to be repaired. We got a $300,000 grant to put a roof on but we have raised the money to repair the marquee, the tower and now the ticket booth.
“We could not have done all that without so many people donating money, attending shows, and attending the banquet. We could not do it without contributions from the community, without your help we could not have accomplished all that we have.”
Board member Tom Rankin reminds everyone advance tickets are available for $30 at Myrtle’s Place, Whitworth’s Gift Chest Jewelers, and Jen’s Diner, or by contacting a board member or calling the Rodger’s at 573-326-4131. There will be very limited tickets available at the door for $40 and there are still corporate sponsored tables available for $500.
According to board member Larry Kimbrow, “Thanks to the support and generosity of our amazing supporters, the proceeds from our annual Rodgers Theatre Gala are used to finance many of our endeavors. Some of these most recent projects include the renovation of the ticket booth and entrance portico, a remodel of the meeting room (formerly the drug store and soda fountain.”
Kimbrow also noted they have recently purchased a new large retractable movie screen, projector, a high-tech sound system, and speakers.
Kimbrow stated the board members are excited they still have numerous projects to be completed in the next year.
“We are dedicated to keep bringing a full calendar of entertainment to our community,” he said.
Attendees are welcome to dress in business casual or 1949 attire, Rhonda Hillis, board member, said.
“We feel the Rodgers Theatre belongs to the community and we are honored to be stewards of the theater,” she said. “Without the contributions and support from the community, our history, memories and beautiful theater were in danger of perishing. We want to thank everyone who for playing such an important part in maintaining, restoring, and keeping our theater alive.”