Eugene Field Elementary School has chosen its Students of the Month for March.
Ja-Briya Webb, daughter of Latoya Webb, was selected by her second grad teacher, Cheri Sparkman, because Ja-Briya does a great job of shining like a true leader. She is always willing to help others even when she isn't asked. Ja-Briya is a very hard worker and loves school. She is loved by her teachers and her friends.
Tori Dobbs, daughter of Bonnie and Brian Dobbs was chosen by her third grade teachers: April Sandlin and Charles Gearhart, because she brings a love of learning to every class. She also brings a willingness to learn without the feat of making mistakes. She knows there is every opportunity to learn something in every situation. "I am sure with this drive she will go far and reach for her life long goals," her teacher said.
Tori's hobbies are drawing, arts and crafts and dancing.
When Tori grows up she wants to be a doctor.
Madalyn Bridgewater, daughter of Neal Lamb and Lisa Bridgewater was selected by her third grade teachers: Jackie Gilberto and Donna Tribble, because she is always kind and thoughtful. She is proactive with her learning, she asks and does her homework. She puts things first for staying engaged during class. She synergies with her group and never argues with them but is positive and encouraging. Madalyn is pleasant to have in class. Her hobbies are: playing in Upwards Basketball, Summer League softball, riding her bike and playing with her sister, Gracyn.
When she grows up, Madalyn wants to be an artist, singer, dancer and clothes designer.