June 14, 2024

Don “Butch” Anderson will be leaving office as Butler County Eastern District Commissioner at the end of this year after four terms totaling 16 years.

Don “Butch” Anderson will be leaving office as Butler County Eastern District Commissioner at the end of this year after four terms totaling 16 years.

“It’s time to pass it to someone else,” he explained.

Anderson cited health and age as the primary factors influencing his decision. Working for the Missouri Department of Transportation for 34 years, he recalls being convinced by several close associates to run for office.

Anderson said his friends did not want his knowledge and experience to sit idle.

“I’m not perfect by no means, but if I can help people accomplish their goals, I enjoy that,” Anderson affirmed.

He put his expertise to good use through projects such as the industrial park bypass, working with the county Senior Citizen Service Board to put in nutrition centers in Broseley and Qulin, improving safety on county roads with new signage and guard rails, the replacement of six bridges, and a continued effort to pave as many county roads as possible.

“Safety should always be a priority,” Anderson remarked.

Another highlight of his tenure was the implementation of the first roundabouts in Butler County at PP Highway and Township Line.

Over the years, Anderson has seen many changes and challenges arise in the county. He described funding as a continually growing problem.

“Sometimes we just don’t have it,” Anderson noted, “Times have changed so much.”

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For example, he said the cost of gravel and blacktop has doubled and tripled, respectively. The new machine grader the county purchased recently for $230,000 would have cost half that price at the beginning of his time in office, according to Anderson.

“Tax revenue has not doubled. Costs have,” he remarked.

Anderson said the county will likely need to seek a tax hike of some kind to keep up with costs in the near future. Despite these challenges, he remains proud Butler County has never had to go into debt to meet its needs.

Anderson said, “We still have an obligation to the taxpayers to keep the county roads open.”

With all his accomplishments, he still wished he paved more roads in the county.

“I don’t like gravel roads,” Anderson asserted.

With a strong lineup of new equipment, he said his successor will need to find the money for asphalt to finish the job. Anderson intends to spend more time with his family during his retirement years.

He has two children, a stepdaughter, eight grandkids and three great-grandchildren.

“Once I’m retired, they’ve got plans with paw-paw,” he said.

Anderson expressed gratitude to everyone who supported him and helped his multiple campaigns.

“I’d like to thank all the voters and all the public for supporting me all these years,” he emphasized, “It’s been a pleasure to work for the public of Butler County.”

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