February 12, 2021

There are few places where the shadow of a potential major earthquake looms larger than here in Southeast Missouri — a grim fact that is not lost on Southeast Missouri Emergency Management Association chairman Robbie Myers. “In Southeast Missouri, we have many potential threats, including flooding, tornadoes, extreme heat and extreme cold,” said Myers, who is director of the Butler County Emergency Management Agency. ...

There are few places where the shadow of a potential major earthquake looms larger than here in Southeast Missouri — a grim fact that is not lost on Southeast Missouri Emergency Management Association chairman Robbie Myers.

“In Southeast Missouri, we have many potential threats, including flooding, tornadoes, extreme heat and extreme cold,” said Myers, who is director of the Butler County Emergency Management Agency. “All of these have their challenges, but there is no natural threat that has more widespread potential for destruction than earthquakes. Preparing for earthquakes is not as simple as other threats but it is still important that we make plans and educate people.”

In a recent press release related to February being Earthquake Awareness Month, the Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance said that if an earthquake occurred today along the New Madrid fault, that was of similar magnitude to the ones that occurred in 1811-12, the losses would be “staggering.”

According to the MDCI, the risk modeling firm AIR Worldwide estimated that such an earthquake would produce insured losses of $120 billion — and that was in 2011 dollars. Those losses would be even worse than the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, with estimated losses of $93 billion.

Worse yet, a joint assessment by the Mid-American Earthquake Center of the University of Illinois and the Federal Emergency Management Agency said that a major quake along the New Madrid could entail economic losses of $300 billion, which would be the worst natural disaster in American history. For perspective, the losses from Hurricane Katrina, which struck New Orleans in 2005, totaled $125 billion ($165-170 billion in 2021, adjusted for inflation).

With such a specter constantly looming, Myers and the Southeast Missouri Emergency Management Association have partnered with the state of Missouri to host Earthquake Summits the last two years.

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“This year, of course, we had to make it virtual, but later this month, there will be webinars designed to better prepare several institutions for earthquakes including schools, water districts and wastewater districts,” Myers said. “There will also be sessions designed to assess the damage and others dealing with recovery from an earthquake.”

One concern that Myers and the state have is ways residents can get to safety when “the big one” hits the area.

“Another aspect of preparing for earthquakes is the consideration of evacuation routes,” Myers said. “Officials from the federal, state and local levels are participating in the New Madrid Seismic Zone Collaborative Planning Team. We are reviewing existing plans and adjusting all aspects of the evacuation process.”

Another major issue when it comes to earthquake preparation in Southeast Missouri is insurance. According to the MDCI, Missouri is the third largest market for earthquake insurance behind California and Washington. However, the earthquake insurance market has contracted significantly — since the beginning of the 21st century many insurers have left the market entirely, while others no longer issue new policies in the New Madrid area.

Worse yet, even with insurers that still sell coverage, stricter underwriting standards mean that some types of dwellings are ineligible for coverage — and that those who can obtain coverage find they are required to self-insure much more than in the past. Deductibles up to 20% of the dwelling value are not uncommon.

“The lack of homes having earthquake insurance is a troubling situation,” Myers said. “Policies have become less available and the cost is increasing on those still on the market. Families need to keep in mind that their regular homeowner’s insurance will not cover any damage caused by an earthquake. The state of Missouri is involved in an effort to increase the number of homes covered by earthquake insurance.”

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