January 13, 2018

Derek Renfroe has worked in the medical field -- specifically in medical laboratories -- for his entire adult career. A Poplar Bluff native, he has lived and worked in the Dexter area for more than 20 years and decided in 2017 to branch out and open a lab of his own.Along with routine testing such as cholesterol, Complete Blood Count (CBC), Metabolic Panels, Lipid Panels and kidney function tests, testing done at DexMo can determine paternity, genetic DNA and even genetic traits as related to weight loss and general health."There are 28 genetic traits related to a person's healthy aging, including skin health, mental function, organ health, sleep duration, vision and healthy weight," Renfroe explains. ...

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Derek Renfroe has worked in the medical field -- specifically in medical laboratories -- for his entire adult career. A Poplar Bluff native, he has lived and worked in the Dexter area for more than 20 years and decided in 2017 to branch out and open a lab of his own.Along with routine testing such as cholesterol, Complete Blood Count (CBC), Metabolic Panels, Lipid Panels and kidney function tests, testing done at DexMo can determine paternity, genetic DNA and even genetic traits as related to weight loss and general health."There are 28 genetic traits related to a person's healthy aging, including skin health, mental function, organ health, sleep duration, vision and healthy weight," Renfroe explains. "A program called GX Renew offers an analysis of an individual's traits."A scientifically-based weight management program called GX Slim identifies a person's unique genetic makeup and then provides strategies tailored specifically toward the individual's genotype.The genetic weight testing is done utilizing a mouth swab. The results offer the client a comprehensive report of their personal genetic makeup. The report that is returned to the patient directs them as to what type of foods to eat and what to avoid and provides tips for appropriate exercises as well -- all the results of a mouth swab."Genetic testing has come such a long way in recent years," Renfroe says. "It's pretty impressive."Individuals who need to be drug tested, as directed by the court system, also make up part of the lab's clientele. "Those individuals are usually given a time frame to come in, and we send those results directly to the court, as ordered," Renfroe notes.Renfroe also contracts with area schools for random student drug testing, a process that Bernie and Dexter Schools have both implemented during the 2017-18 school year.Along with patients holding physician-ordered lab tests, walk-ins represent a fair amount of business at DexMo. "We see everything from bodybuilders who like to keep track of their testosterone levels on a regular basis to potential grandparents seeking DNA testing," Renfroe says. "We can run DNA detection or comparison through items from Q-tips to toothbrushes," he furtrher explains, "and confidentiality is key."With the ever-growing popularity of seeking out one's ancestry through websites such as ancestry.com, archives.com, billiongraves.com and others, comes an increased of those who want to find out more about their heritage through DNA testing. That too, is offered at DexMo.Also available is BRCA testing -- a saliva test which determines a woman's probability of being at risk for breast, ovarian and other cancers. The lab offers both the traditional BRCA testing and the BRCA testing for hi-risk individuals which identifies variants in 26 genes that are associated with increased risk for developing various cancers."The BRCA test is being used more and more to test for hereditary cancers," Renfroe says. "While most lab results are ready for clients the next day, the BRCA testing -- because it's genetic -- takes longer. It's usually about a three week process."Renfroe is also certified to perform urine collections and breath alcohol testing as required by the Dept. of Transportation (DOT) and serves as a collection site for several different laboratories. Perhaps most unique is the option to test animals. The procedure is done for both health purposes and to define pedigrees. Most of the laboratory samples taken at the DexMo lab are sent off to one of three national labs by overnight courier and typically go to one of three primary labs -- LabCorp, Quest and AEL."When people come in here, they are my priority. My clients are my bread and butter. I generally get results the following day, and I fax the results right to the doctor's office or I contact the individual, depending upon what was performed."Having established relationships with doctors within about a 75-mile radius over the years has worked to Renfroe's advantage in his new venture."I've just used that experience and know-how to open this business," he confirms. "We've done work for people from Cape down to Jonesboro and neighboring counties east and west. Pretty much anything the doctor orders or what an individual wants, we can do."DexMo is located at 1025 Arvin Road near Harris Drive. They may be reached at 573-614-7474.

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