Community growth is the theme of today’s headlines. A Civic Week is planned in 1924 amid discussion of industrial expansion, and schools in 1974 have swelled to 5,638 students.
• The Poplar Bluff Chamber of Commerce held a special meeting yesterday to announce plans for Civic Week, to be held April 26-May 2. The schedule includes a high school survey, a women’s meeting, gatherings of civic and service clubs, and Sunday morning sermons on “civic patriotism and community spirit” from participating pastors.
Yesterday’s announcement came with a presentation by a St. Paul, Minnesota businessman. Dan Weigle, president of Community Welfare, Inc., extolled the necessity of chambers of commerce to developing cities and encouraged aggressive expansion.
“Poplar Bluff is in competition with 2,500 other American cities. If there is anything you want, you have to go after it, for nobody will bring it to you,” he said.
April 17, 1949 — No issues available.
• April 15-19 is Missouri School Bus Safety Week, by declaration of Gov. Kit Bond. The Daily American Republic reminds motorists to obey traffic laws and stop for school buses. Al Hobbs, Poplar Bluff R-I’s supervisor of transportation, said motorists who ignore the stop arm and pass buses pose a major safety concern. R-I bus drivers report these violations frequently, he added.
So far, Missouri’s 1973-1974 school year has seen 130 minor injuries from traffic and buses, and no fatalities. Last year’s bus safety record listed 152 injuries and three deaths.
• In other school district news, enrollment has reached 5,638 students. Voters will decide a $400,000 bond issue in June to expand and renovate Oak Grove, Eugene Field, Kinyon and Wheatley schools.