Previous associate commissioner Danny Talkington cited his experience and accounting background as to why he threw his hat in the ring to be elected as the next presiding commissioner of Stoddard County.
"Having been associate commissioner District 1 for four years (2013-2016), I understand the workings of county government," Talkington said. "I can bring my accounting background and good management skills to the county so to make sure we manage the funds that are available from the tax payer's dollars."
In addition, Talkington said his experience and accounting background helps him fully understand the separation of funds and expenditures for each type of money coming into the county.
Currently, Talkington sees two issues as the biggest challenges facing Stoddard County. Those include jobs for the county as well as overcrowding and lack of competitive pay for the sheriff's department.
Talkington believes the labor force is available in the community and the needs of the county have to be met.
To do this, he referenced his 28 years in manufacturing to be able to converse with the companies about their needs, technology and what Stoddard County has to offer.
If Propositions 1 and 2 pass Aug. 7, Talkington said funding would be more available to take care of the pressing needs at the sheriff's department as well as steps toward paying deputies a competitive salary.
"When I was associate commissioner, we were able to increase starting pay for any employee in the county and deputies," Talkington said. "That was a step, but we have not been able to get additional steps to get people up to the waist level they should be."
If the Propositions don't pass, he said work within the budget would have to be done to come up with the funding to do more.
If elected, a goal of Talkington's would be to work to see improvements to the living conditions in the county.
"I think Stoddard County is a great place to live and of all the places I have lived and worked, I moved back here," he said. "I think it's great, but we can do things to improve our county's living conditions."