A quirky sense of humor, comical obsession with her two pugs, a love for llamas and silly nature are just part of what propelled art teacher Meg Daniels to be selected as the Poplar Bluff High School 2019-20 Teacher of the Year as well as secondary grade level Teacher of the Year.
Daniels’ humor is what fellow art teacher Elizabeth Rose believes encourages students to participate who normally would not as well as endears her to her students.
Many times, Rose added, when speaking of Daniels, students will tell her, “She’s so weird, I love her!”
Her quirkiness is what Rose said helps keep student’s attention as well as motivated by pulling them back in with either confusion from the humor or with a laugh.
“I believe that we are all born curious and our thirst for knowledge is endless,” Daniels said. “I encourage my students to take risks, experiment and make mistakes in order to see what happens.”
Daniels went on to say it takes a special person to facilitate the minds and needs of students.
“I believe that every student has the potential to succeed, it just takes the right person to guide and facilitate their needs in the right direction,” she said.
Rose also praised Daniels’ exceptional patience with students.
“The funniest part is that if I asked her what her top 100 best traits are, she would never put patience anywhere on that list, but when you talk to the students, you get a different story,” Rose said. “I have watched her reteach and work with students with such calmness that students feel safe with her and reach their learning goals.”
Daniels recently encouraged her older art students to participate in the annual high school art exhibit alongside many other area schools.
Poplar Bluff students were able to make a wonderful showing with several first place wins. One of her students, Megan Murphy, even earned a $1,000 scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University for winning Best of Show.
Murphy said she can’t even begin to describe the impact Daniels has had on her and fellow classmates.
“Mrs. Daniels is a teacher that truly wants her students to grow and learn from their mistakes, whether it be in an art-sense or just in life,” she said.
Murphy went on to add Daniels’ dedication is shown simply through the fact she drives from Cape Girardeau to Poplar Bluff every single school day to teach her students.
“Talent plays a big role in the art field, however, it takes a special teacher to help mold, teach and guide students to enhance their natural abilities without encroaching on their uniqueness, and I believe the results show Mrs. Daniels has that gift,” parent Amanda Sisk said.
Sisk also added she is impressed by Daniels’ care for her students and her ability to bring out the best in them, her daughter included.
Daniels earned a Bachelor of Science in education from Southeast Missouri State University in 2013.
She has been with the Poplar Bluff R-1 School District as a high school art teacher since 2014.
Carol Horst, a college art education professor, is who inspired Daniels to become a teacher and to this day is who she still considers to be an “art education guru.”
“My original intent was not to become a teacher, but Carol gave me positive feedback and encouragement to be the teacher that I am today,” she said. “This woman is amazing, she goes above and beyond in her classroom and community. I hope to one day have even an ounce of her selflessness and drive so that I too can become an art education guru to someone who is need of educational guidance.”
FACS and foods teacher Andrea Cox described Daniels as dedicated to raising expectations and a model for all teachers to strive to be their best selves.
“I am surrounded by so many amazing teachers and administration,” Daniels said. “Working at Poplar Bluff High School has been an incredible, educational journey. I consider it an honor and a privilege to be nominated by these brilliant teachers that I work with.”