April 14, 2020

Editor's note: This is a daily briefing updating the latest information on the COVID-19 pandemic at 4 p.m. each day. The Butler County Health Department announced an 18th positive test for COVID-19 on Tuesday. Amanda Fitzwater with the Health Department said the patient is self quarantining and that the department has started its investigation to contact anyone who may have been exposed to the virus...

Editor's note: This is a daily briefing updating the latest information on the COVID-19 pandemic at 4 p.m. each day.

The Butler County Health Department announced an 18th positive test for COVID-19 on Tuesday.

Amanda Fitzwater with the Health Department said the patient is self quarantining and that the department has started its investigation to contact anyone who may have been exposed to the virus.

The state of Missouri reported 19 deaths, matching the highest one-day total from April 9 and 10. There have been 133 deaths in the state linked to the coronavirus and the number of positive tests reached 4,686, an increase of nearly 300 from the previous day.

During a daily meeting of Butler County officials, State Emergency Management Agency's Hank Voelker said the Southeast region is seeing an uptick in cases but not a spike in cases that was feared.

"But we don't want to get too comfortable," Voelker said.

Missouri Highlands Health Care said that it had done three tests for patients Tuesday morning at its new mobile site at Mansion Mall in Poplar Bluff.

Tests are being conducted by appointment only. Anyone wanting a test must call the Missouri Highlands at 573-727-8285 to be pre-screened.


On Wednesday, instead of April 15 being tax day (which has been postponed to July 15), in Butler County it will be ACTS Day — All Caring Together and Serving.

The Butler County Emergency Management Agency will take donations of non-perishable food, cleaning items, paper products, hygiene items, pet foods, fabric and elastic for making masks and cloth masks from 3-7 p.m. Wednesday in front of the Libla Family Sports Complex at Three Rivers College.

Residents are also encourage to donate their time or money.

Volunteers are needed to make wellness check calls to members of the community. Contact Jennifer Rosener of Butler County RSVP at 573-686-8624 for more information.

Anyone making masks and wish to donate them can call or text 573-714-5328 to have them picked up.

County officials also ask that anyone who has not filled out their Census information do that Wednesday by going online to 2020census.gov or calling 844-330-2020.


Missouri Gov. Mike Parson announced Tuesday that the state was the first in the nation to receive a federal grant for rural transit as part of COVID-19 relief.

The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Transit Administration announced a $61.7 million grant to the Missouri Department of Transportation from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act.

MoDOT will use the funds for operating expenses and assistance for 30 rural agencies.

“MoDOT will work closely with rural public transit providers to implement this critical funding. I want to thank my staff for reacting so quickly when the grant availability was announced,” MoDOT Director Patrick McKenna said in a statement. “The grant application clearly painted a picture of Missouri’s rural transit challenges as a result of the coronavirus, and we are grateful to receive this vital aid.”


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As of 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 14:

US DEATHS: 24,737 Mo. Deaths: 133 (+19) Mo. Cases: 4,686 (+298)

Cases by area county: Butler County: 18 Carter: 3 (1 death) Dunklin: 16 Stoddard: 12 Ripley: 3 Reynolds: 2 Wayne: 0 Perry: 38 Cape: 30 (1 death) Scott: 25 St. Francois: 22 (1 death) New Madrid: 8 Pemiscot: 8 Bollinger: 3 Madison: 1



From the AP: For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough that clear up in two to three weeks. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia and death. The vast majority of people recover.

Here are the symptoms of the virus compared with the common flu.

One of the best ways to prevent spread of the virus is washing your hands with soap and water. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends first washing with warm or cold water and then lathering soap for 20 seconds to get it on the backs of hands, between fingers and under fingernails before rinsing off.

You should wash your phone, too. Here’s how.

The Missouri coronavirus information hotline is 877-435-8411.



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