May 24, 2017

BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- Stoddard County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Director Kent Polsgrove told the County Commission recently the county did not ask for any public assistance due to damages from flooding earlier this month, but the "options were open" for individuals seeking disaster aid for housing damaged by flooding...

Mike Mccoy

BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- Stoddard County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Director Kent Polsgrove told the County Commission recently the county did not ask for any public assistance due to damages from flooding earlier this month, but the "options were open" for individuals seeking disaster aid for housing damaged by flooding.

Polsgrove told the commission some homes and mobile homes were damaged in the flooding. Those residences were on County Roads 404 and 499 along the St. Francis River, including Moccasin Flats along the river. He said there was some major damage to some properties where water reached levels in houses above electrical outlets. He noted that the St. Francis River is still at flood stage at 20.5 feet because of water being released from Wappapello Lake. Areas on CR 404 and in Moccasin Flats are still not reachable by vehicle because of high water. The Corps of Engineers announced it would be late summer before Highway T would be repaired and reopened.

Polsgrove presented a review of activities that took place during flooding. He noted the flooding was much less severe in the county, overall, than flooding in 2011. He said the Stoddard County Ambulance District took 13 bariatric cots to the Black River Coliseum in Poplar Bluff. The coliseum served as an emergency shelter for flood victims in Butler County. Bariatric cots may be adjusted in height and also the head of the cot may be raised for medical purposes. Polsgrove said the Dexter Fire Department delivered 100 cots for use at the coliseum. All have subsequently been returned.

Polsgove said the decision not to seek public assistance was due to the minimum amount of damage required to seek public assistance. He noted that $108,000 of damages to roads and bridges was required. He said after talking to officials in the townships, they agreed the county damages were not above the minimum level.

Polsgove said the USDA had programs to assist farmers with the cost of cleaning up debris on their land from flooding, and also with leveling of land that was damaged by high water. Farmers interested in such programs should contact the USDA offices north of Dexter.

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis asked if any commissioners had questions.

"Sounds like you've (Polsgrove) covered all the bases," replied Commissioner Steve Jordan.

County to seek damages from contractor

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Mathis summoned Prosecutor Russ Oliver to discuss receiving reimbursement from Kjacs Contractors for repairs and damages to the County Jail.

Kjacks is the contractor for a major water project underway in Bloomfield. Damage was done to a sewer line back last December, which caused Cell Block C in the jail to flood. The county was unable to contact Kjacks at the time. The county also contacted Bloomfield Water Superintendent Justin Bell, but the repairs were not made. The county then hired Advance Plumbing of Bloomfield to make repairs. The cost was $1,424 for repairs to the sewer line and $1,171.87 for cleaning up the jail, repainting and replacing four inmate mattresses and 100 inmate shower towels.

Mathis asked Oliver about taking the contractor to small claims court to recover the costs. Oliver said the county should file in associate court because any decision in the small claims court could be appealed. He asked the commission to get together relevant information and provide it to his office to file the necessary paperwork.

Other business

The Stoddard County Equalization Board is to meet July 10 in the Commission Room of the Government Building to hear any appeals of 2017 real property tax assessments. The board is made up of the three commissioners, Mary Worley and Mike Bollinger.

Mathis noted the county has received checks from the insurance company for damages to a deputy patrol car. The vehicle was totaled. The county received a check for $9,344.33 for the vehicle and $738 for removal and installation of equipment.

Mathis said the insurer had a list of requirements that included granting a power of attorney.

"I've never seen that," said Mathis.

Jordan and Commissioner Carol Jarrell both said they thought the request was unusual. Mathis said he would talk with Sheriff Carl Hefner to see if he knew why a power of attorney was needed.

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