June 19, 2018

Everything we have has a price tag--from the simple act of going out to eat, to that of building a house or a place to worship God. Let us suppose we are contemplating becoming a Christian; surely there is no cost to that, for salvation is free. Well, yes, we can not buy it, earn it or have it given to us, yet there is a price. ...

Everything we have has a price tag--from the simple act of going out to eat, to that of building a house or a place to worship God.

Let us suppose we are contemplating becoming a Christian; surely there is no cost to that, for salvation is free. Well, yes, we can not buy it, earn it or have it given to us, yet there is a price. We must give consideration as to what changes will take place in our inner life and in our life-style. Perhaps most of the change in our inner life will be wrought by the Lord when we experience the new birth (John 3:3 and 3:5, I Peter 1:23), and that inner change will govern our life-style, or outer conduct. Discipleship requires love, faithfulness, self-surrender and personal devotion. Jesus said, "He that loveth father and mother more than Me is not worthy of the Son of God." He died that He could become your Savior. The deeper our love is for God and our savior, the more it enhances our love for family and friends. How much child abuse do you see in devoted Christian homes?

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We must count the cost of our time in Bible study. Many are more stingy with their time than with their money. If we are to grow in grace and the knowledge of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, then we must study the Bible. The Apostle Paul urged his "son in the Gospel," Timothy, to "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." II Timothy 2:15. If asked by a friend where to find the Lord's Prayer, or the parable of the Good Samaritan, or that of the Prodigal Son, could you tell them? Whatever the cost, it is more than worth it.

I hesitate to say we should consider the cost of our time given to the worship of God. Our time is in His hands. I do not know about you, but the public worship of God has become so much a part of my life, if I miss it on the Lord's Day I feel something missing on Monday--even though I talk to Him several times a day. And, yes, it costs me money, but I do not consider it a cost, for why should not I freely return a worthy amount of that which is granted unto me?

There are some things we must be wise enough to count the cost; but others we dare not.

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