Poplar Bluff Mayor Shane Cornman kicked off Monday’s city council meeting with a moment of silence to commemorate the county’s one fatality from last Friday’s tornado. The council also voted to declare a state of emergency.
“It’s important the citizens of Poplar Bluff understand the situation we face,” he affirmed.
Cornman praised the efforts of city employees from the most basic level to City Manager Robert Knodell. He noted Knodell was up and working for 40 hours straight over the weekend.
The mayor highlighted the achievement of the Municipal Utilities crew, which resolved thousands of outages at impressive speeds.
“Work remains,” Cornman cautioned, and pointed to the necessity of cleanup and charity efforts.
“Our unity and strength will carry us through this,” he added.
Council member David Boyer remarked, “The city crews were outstanding in the work that they did.”
Ward 3 representative Barbara Horton commented, “I just marveled at our community and how it responds when we have a disaster.”
Mayor Pro Tempore Lisa Armes Parson echoed Cornman’s praise of Knodell.
“I want to reiterate how special it is to live in Poplar Bluff,” she stated.
Knodell said the city Street Department will soon start a cleanup of tree limbs brought to the side of the road. He cautioned residents to be wary of scams and price gouging by fake contractors. Knodell is in contact with the Missouri Attorney General’s office and, “They have allocated additonal resources to route that.”
He concluded by praising the cooperation between city and county officials.
“The city and county boundaries have not meant a lot,” Knodell stated.
Dustin Wilson of the Highland Drive Church of Christ came forward before regular business and informed the council the church will be providing meals for those impacted by the storm on March 24.
“We want to help those affected,” he stated.
Regular business
For discussion items, Knodell presented the possibility of voluntary annexation of the property at 2904 Oak Grove Road, owned by Ralph and Judith Douglas as well as Robert and Pam Inman. He added the property has been on city utilities up to this point and would likely be used for commercial purposes.
Next, the council heard workshopped the annexation of the right of way property located on Highway 67.
For voting items, Poplar Bluff Fire Department Chief Mike Moffitt answered questions about proposals received for the financing of two new Rosenbauer pumper firetrucks. People’s Bank gave the fire department a rate of 4% over the course of 10 years for a total of $860,000.
“Our budget will not increase with the payment,” Moffitt noted.
Next, Knodell discussed a resolution committing to public safety and reduction in violent crime, with the goal of eventually earning Poplar Bluff designation as a Missouri Blue Shield Community. He said the community program is part of Gov. Mike Kehoe’s Safer Missouri Initiative. Communities that apply earlier are more likely to be accepted into the program.
Knodell said membership in the program opens up the possibility of more grants and training for law enforcement.
Lastly, the council voted to grant the easement to Ritter Communications for the installation of an equipment shed. Members voted unanimously in favor of all voting items.