PIEDMONT, Mo. -- The Army Corps of Engineers, Clearwater Lake Project Office employees in partnership with the League of Water Shed Guardians, the Missouri Department of Conservation, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and area volunteers spent Oct. 14-15, collecting nearly 70 cubic yards of trash from along the banks of a 6-mile stretch of the lower Black River below Clearwater Dam.
"We at the Army Corps of Engineers thank the League of Water Shed Guardians for all their efforts and also thank Town & Country Super Market, Piedmont Processing, First Midwest Bank of the Ozarks, Webb Creek Marina, Justin Sly of Frito-Lay, Clearwater Store's Jim Woshleger, Kempers Resort, and the Clearwater Lake Association," said Fred Esser, acting operation manager of the Clearwater office.
The donated refreshments fueled volunteers as they worked to remove trash, washed downstream during this year's springtime flooding.
"Teamwork, community pride, willingness to give and volunteer is what made this event such a huge success," added Esser. "I can't thank everyone enough for all they did to help restore the Black River back to its natural beauty."