February 8, 2018

Butler County Missouri Retired Teachers and Retired School Personnel will meet Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 10 a.m. in the Altrusa Room at Twin Towers. Persons concerned about protecting their PSRS or PEERS pension should plan to attend. There are factors that could substantially reduce benefits upon retirement. Current retirees can also be effected. Retirees are encouraged to stay informed and to stand up as a group...

Butler County Missouri Retired Teachers and Retired School Personnel will meet Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 10 a.m. in the Altrusa Room at Twin Towers. Persons concerned about protecting their PSRS or PEERS pension should plan to attend. There are factors that could substantially reduce benefits upon retirement. Current retirees can also be effected. Retirees are encouraged to stay informed and to stand up as a group.

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If you unable to attend, call or contact a local retiree who can keep you up to date. Persons can also check out the Butler County Teacher Retired Teachers and School Personnel Facebook page or go to https://www.psrs-peers.org/, or http://missouriretiredteachers.org/author/mrta/ websites for more information.

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