September 3, 2019

In a split vote Tuesday night, Poplar Bluff City Council members have authorized the city manager to pursue a Shelby Road location for a new city complex. An agenda item on the council’s publicized agenda included discussion of the matter. It includes city hall, city court and the police department...

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In a split vote Tuesday night, Poplar Bluff City Council members have authorized the city manager to pursue a Shelby Road location for a new city complex.

An agenda item on the council’s publicized agenda included discussion of the matter. It includes city hall, city court and the police department.

It was not listed as a voting item. Council members have said any further action on the matter will also be brought before the council.

Multiple members of the public spoke against the move away from downtown during the meeting.

This story will be updated tonight online and in the Wednesday DAR.

Here are the figures presented to the council:

Three options were discussed Tuesday by city council members and a consultant: Option 1, construct city hall, city court and police department on Second Street where the city currently owns 2.6 acres; construct all three on property to be purchased on Shelby Road; split the construction with city hall and city court remaining downtown and the police department on Shelby Road.

Total costs for the projects, as reported during the city council meeting are:

Option 1 (everything downtown) - $15,946,973

Option 2 (everything on Shelby) - $16,210,973

Option 3 (split between downtown and Shelby) - $17,046,973

The following figures are the same for options 1, 2 and 3:

Total square footage - 39,050

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Construction cost, per square foot - $283

Total construction cost - $11,051,150

Professional services - $1,676,098

Bond issuance - $330,000

Furniture/Fixtures - $550,000

Permits/testing - $130,000

Contingency (10%) - $1.4-$1.6 million

Site costs

Option 1 (everything Downtown) - $760,000

To clear city owned property, including removal of former city complex and condemned parking garage on Second Street, as well as former tire shop on Pine Street.

Option 2 (everything on Shelby Road) - $1 million

Estimated cost of property acquisition. City manager Mark Massingham said the property is owned by a bank, which may donate a portion of the value of the property.

Option 3 (city hall downtown, police dept. Shelby Road) - $1,760,000

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