September 3, 2019

The Poplar Bluff City Council will be in session tonight at 7 p.m. to discuss the status of a proposed new city hall, police station and Municipal Court building project.

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City council

The Poplar Bluff City Council will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the council chambers, 301 S. 5th St.

Workshop items to include: presentation from Navigate Building Solutions by Mr. Todd Sweeney regarding the status of the city hall, police station and Municipal Court building project; review Change Order No. 1 relative to the 11th St. Roadway project; review a petition for annexation of property located at 3390 Kanell Blvd. and owned by Jerri Ann Rowland and Staci Blankenship; review a request from the Planning and Inspections dept. to amend Sect. 405.095A(1)(i) of the Code of Ordinances relative to sign regulations; review a request from Planning and Inspections dept. to amend Sect. 405.095A(3)(k)(1) of the code of Ordinances relative to fees for billboards; review proposed amendments to business licenses and regulations Chp. 605.040 License Tax Levied, 605.175 Fees for Operating in Open Flea Markets, 605.260 Computation of Tax - Generally, 605.270 Computation of Tax - Wholesale Licenses, Peddlers and Solicitors 610.040 Fee and Taxicabs/Limousines 645.120 License Fee (A) and 645.260 Fee pertaining to business license fees.

Action items to include: action on an ordinance approving a request to erect a 130 foot high telecommunications monopole at 830 S. 8th St. (formerly addressed as 635 S. 6th St.).

Closed meeting to follow regular meeting.


Meetings for the Municipal Utilities Advisory Board, Downtown Poplar Bluff, Inc. and the Electrical Wiring Board for next week have been canceled.
