August 17, 2011

A recommendation from the Poplar Bluff Planning and Zoning Commission to approve Blackwell Baldwin's request to vacate a portion of South 11th Street and realign the street, improve the Cherry Street intersection and create additional space for the Buick/GMC dealership, was the subject of a lengthy discussion during the Poplar Bluff City Council meeting Monday night...

A recommendation from the Poplar Bluff Planning and Zoning Commission to approve Blackwell Baldwin's request to vacate a portion of South 11th Street and realign the street, improve the Cherry Street intersection and create additional space for the Buick/GMC dealership, was the subject of a lengthy discussion during the Poplar Bluff City Council meeting Monday night.

Blackwell Baldwin Buick GMC has offered to pay all the costs to have the street moved to the east and straightened.

Ron Black of Blackwell Baldwin expects construction to start as soon as council approval is obtained.

By a 5-2 vote, the request was moved to the next council meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 6. It will be discussed again during the workshop session and then acted on during the voting session. Voting "yes" were Mayor Ed DeGaris, Mayor Pro Tem Robert Smith, Councilwoman Betty Absheer and Councilmen Tracy Edington and Loyd Matthews. Voting "no" were Councilwoman Susan McVey and Councilman Ron Hendrix.

"The new design will improve the Cherry Street intersection significantly," Black said. The firm will allow the northeast corner of its property to be used for right-of-way to allow for easier right turns.

Black also noted the elimination of parking along 11th Street by Blackwell Baldwin employees "will allow more line of sight."

With having additional space to display vehicles on the west side of 11th Street, Blackwell Baldwin's customers and employees will not have to cross the street.

"It's an investment Blackwell Baldwin is making to benefit Poplar Bluff with a much improved and safer street," Black said.

Billy Cobb, an engineer with Smith & Company, which was hired by Blackwell Baldwin, said an average of 1,846 vehicles per day traveled on 11th Street from July 14 through July 21 while Cherry Street averaged 2,500 per day.

He also reported a Poplar Bluff Police Department survey found the average speed on 11th Street in this area was 34 mph. The speed limit is 25 mph.

The new section of 11th Street will be 1,040 feet long and 27 feet wide, including curb and gutter. The current width is 21 feet.

Dr. Jack Rushin, who owns Rushin Chiropractic Center at 400 S. 11th St., requested more time because he is waiting for a traffic engineer's report on how the new alignment will affect his patients backing out of parking spaces onto 11th Street.

"This change may have a detrimental impact on me and my patients," said Rushin, who also expressed concern about losing patients due to the parking problems and his property declining in value due to the traffic hazards.

Rushin also played tapes made by two patients who expressed concern about a reduction in safety due to the road change.

While listening to both sides, council members asked questions and made comments.

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Hendrix suggested a caution sign and said he had received complaints about speeding on 11th Street.

McVey said part of Rushin's parking area is on the city right-of-way.

"I think it is the right thing at the right time. There will be more safety for people on 11th Street," McVey said.

Smith expressed concern about patients backing out in front of speeding vehicles.

Matthews was concerned about the decrease in the sight line for patients backing out and the need to enforce the speed limit.

"I don't see why we can't wait a couple more weeks," Edington said. "Both men are pillars in the community."

City Manager Doug Bagby said the 190-foot length of the sight line from the parking area looking south exceeded the city requirement of 150 feet.

In addition to the work being done at the applicant's expense, City Planner Dennis Avery said eight other stipulations include:

* Applicant must provide a time frame within which relocation will be completed.

* Current road is to remain open until completion and dedication of the new roadway.

* Fencing required will be in place prior to the opening of the new roadway.

* After the relocation is finished, the applicant will not park vehicles on the city right-of-way on Cherry Street or South 11 Street.

* Applicant will provide other property owners adjacent to the current street alignment equivalent access to the new street alignment.

* Applicant will provide affected property owners access to review the plans on design drawings.

* All outdoor lighting must be directed away from adjoining property owners.

* All outdoor sound devices must be directed away from adjoining property owners.

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