April 27, 2018

There is an old song about a man who attended a church he had never been to. This was a rather quiet church where you sang hymns, repeated prayers and basically remained quiet during the rest of the service. The guest really liked what the minister was saying and eventually he couldn't hold it any longer...

There is an old song about a man who attended a church he had never been to.

This was a rather quiet church where you sang hymns, repeated prayers and basically remained quiet during the rest of the service.

The guest really liked what the minister was saying and eventually he couldn't hold it any longer.

He jumped up and shouted "Hallelujah."

An usher quickly came to him and asked what he thought he was doing.

The man stated, "I have experienced Jesus and I couldn't help myself."

To which the usher said, "Well he isn't here, so kindly sit down and be quiet."

While the man sought the experience of Christ, the church feared it.

I can't help but wonder if this fear might not be a reason for not being in church.

In Luke 24, we see the disciples gathered in a room and when Jesus shows up. "They were startled and terrified, and thought that they were seeing a ghost." (Luke 24:37)

After three years of following Christ, the disciples huddled in fear. They feared discovery by the authorities. They feared explaining what went wrong to the crowds, and they feared their own weakness and short-comings.

But they did not expect Jesus to "pop" up in their midst.

He was supposed to be dead, and yet here he was. Not a ghost, but the real thing.

How many of us fear an experience with Christ? Do we fear what might happen if we do have a spiritual experience?

We go to church to experience the Holy, the Divine, the risen Christ, but are we truly ready for that experience?

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Do we go looking forward to God interacting with us, or are we like a student in class hoping the teacher doesn't call on us?

Let's face it, interaction with Christ can lead to some pretty phenomenal changes in our life.

We may be asked to actually participate in worship. We may find a desire to do good works or share the gospel of Christ.

You know, there is even the possibility that we might actually have to love our neighbor and pray for those who hate us.

This can scare people away.

Or maybe we try to avoid God like a child avoids a parent when they know they have done wrong. Maybe it is the fear of retribution and punishment that keeps many away from church.

If this is the case, my heart goes out to you. If any of these reasons are why you are not in church this Sunday, I have some good news for you.

God wants to interact with you. Not to make you do something you aren't comfortable with, and not to make you feel terrible for your sins.

God just wants to be with his children. Church is a wonderful place for the family reunion.

There is no need to fear going to church, because it is about what God wants to give you, LOVE. And while church is not the only place to interact with God, it is the one place set aside for everyone to be in God's presence.

Who knows, you may even desire to start being a part of worship, or start doing good works, or even sharing the Gospel, but you will do it out of love for Christ, not out of fear.

You see, church is all about God loving us and us showing our love for him.

God Bless and I hope to see you in church.


Editor's note: This is a regular series featuring area religious leaders writing about faith, family and community. To participate or suggest a church, contact us at news@darnews.com or (573) 785-1414.

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