Poplar Bluff City Council members are considering a change to the speed limit on Barron Road.
Currently 35 mph, council members discussed Monday lowering the limit to 30 or 25 mph.
The council has asked for more information about traffic on the road and plans to coordinate with the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Resident John Stanard expressed concern that the current speed is unsafe for residents as they attempt to cross the road to collect mail.
"I feel if the residents feel unsafe crossing the highway, we need to look at it," said council member Barbara Horton of Ward 3.
Currently all residential streets are 25 mph unless otherwise designated by city ordinance, said city manager Mark Massingham.
"I think lowering the speed limit would be a good idea for safety reasons. I would go to 25 like every other residential street," said council member Ed DeGaris.
There was some discussion of making the speed limit 30 miles per hour, but some council members felt it might not make as much of an impact.
"I think 25 is the number. I don't think dropping 5 mph is going to make that much difference," said council member Shane Cornman.
Mayor Susan McVey said it is a very long road at 25 mph.
Council member Robert Smith warned the drivers who are a problem will continue to speed, even if the limit is reduced.
No decisions have been made by the council.