June 25, 2022

The Cane Creek Community Club met on Wednesday, June 8, at the home of Glenda Philips. Philips, as president, called the meeting to order with Janet Gilmore giving the opening prayer. Catherine Bryant then gave the devotional, which showed that everyone has opportunities to help people in their everyday life. Philips asked those present to keep absent members, Wilma Rains, Marie Boxx and Sharon Ocher, in their thoughts and prayers...

The Cane Creek Community Club met on Wednesday, June 8, at the home of Glenda Philips.

Philips, as president, called the meeting to order with Janet Gilmore giving the opening prayer. Catherine Bryant then gave the devotional, which showed that everyone has opportunities to help people in their everyday life. Philips asked those present to keep absent members, Wilma Rains, Marie Boxx and Sharon Ocher, in their thoughts and prayers.

Nancy Wujcik presented the program, which was a summary of “The Better Brain Book,” by Dr. David Perlmutter. The members answered questions on the shortened brain audit which assessed the areas of mental performance, age, diet, medication, personal habits, environment, stress level and medical history. The audit showed what things might affect brain functioning.

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A short business meeting followed with Philips reading the minutes of the last meeting. After discussion, it was decided that Gilmore would deliver the items the members had donated for the homeless.

In new business, it was agreed the project for next month would be to contact by calling or writing someone who had made a difference in members’ lives. The members are to report on this as roll call for next month.

Our next meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. July 11, at a location to be determined. Gilmore will have the devotional, and Philips will present the program. All visitors are welcome.

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