A week ago, 92-year-old Wilbur Schmit was overwhelmed with the task of making repairs to his storm damaged home and acting as caregiver for his wife, Anna.
Today, the couple is overwhelmed by the outpouring of help from area residents and local service agencies.
Commitments of cash, materials and labor have been made, said Jeff Shawan, who is helping organize the community response.
The tree that fell on the World War II veteran's home in late May was cleared away Saturday by a group of men from John 3:16 Ministries, a recovery program for men.
A crew of 17 spent the morning removing limbs and debris before mowing the yard and trimming nearby trees and plants.
Schmit was out early with the men to help.
"It's just unbelievable," he said later, from his living room on Almond Street, while Anna watched the work from the front door. "Help like this, you've got to appreciate it and I do.
"I want to certainly thank them from the bottom of my heart."
Crossroads Ministry has volunteered to put the roof on when repairs begin, Shawan said. A contractor associated with John 3:16 has offered to do the construction.
Approximately $4,200 in cash donations also have been made, with $700 raised Saturday morning from a men's prayer breakfast at a Poplar Bluff church. Other businesses have promised flooring and other materials.
Many individuals, as well as church and civic groups have stepped up, Shawan said.
Northside Nutrition has scheduled a fundraiser from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 28 at their location in Twin Towers. Modern Woodmen has committed to matching the first $1,200 raised.
It was the persistence of workers at Northside Nutrition that first brought the Schmits' problems to light. The staff provides home bound meals to the couple and made many phone calls in an attempt to find help.
The Schmits live on a fixed income from Social Security.
Schmit, who also cares for the property by himself, cleared away what he could when the damage occurred.
The tree took down two walls and a large portion of the roof of the bedroom, which is on the west end of the house.
As Schmit tried to show his appreciation to John 3:16 members Saturday morning, they thanked him for his service, and for entrusting them with the work.
"It feels good that we can come out and bless men like him. That's an honor to us," said Allen Cole, a John 3:16 staff member. "We want to say thank you not just to him, but ultimately about what Jesus has done in our lives.
"This is our way of giving back, by serving others."
Several staff members from John J. Pershing VA Medical Center also have visited with the Schmits in the last week.
The VA is taking decisive action to ensure Mr. Schmit receives all of the benefits for which he is eligible, said medical center director Patricia Hall.
"I would like to thank Mr. Schmit for his service and reiterate how appreciative I am to be a part of a community where so many entities rally together to help our nation's heroes," Hall said. "Thanks also to those who brought his needs to our attention and who worked tirelessly with us to care for him and his wife."
Donations can be made at an account set up in the Schmits' name at First Midwest Bank, by contacting Shawan at 573-776-5213, or online through a Go Fund Me account.
Northside Nutrition can be reached at 573-686-2074.
John 3:16 will hold a catfish super at 6 p.m. Tuesday at First Baptist Church in advance of Community Fest, one of the main fundraisers held for the recovery program each year. Community Fest will be held Aug. 19 at the Jonesboro, Ark., Convocation Center. For more information, call 870-799-2525.