October 4, 2018

Staff Reports For the 76th consecutive year, millions of 4-H youth, parents, volunteers and alumni across the country will celebrate National 4-H Week Oct. 7-13. Throughout the week, Butler County 4-H will build on this year's theme, "Inspire Kids to Do," by showcasing the many ways 4-H inspires kids to do through hands-on learning experiences and highlighting the remarkable 4-H youth in our community who work each day to make a positive impact on those around them...

Staff Reports

For the 76th consecutive year, millions of 4-H youth, parents, volunteers and alumni across the country will celebrate National 4-H Week Oct. 7-13.

Throughout the week, Butler County 4-H will build on this year's theme, "Inspire Kids to Do," by showcasing the many ways 4-H inspires kids to do through hands-on learning experiences and highlighting the remarkable 4-H youth in our community who work each day to make a positive impact on those around them.

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Each club in Butler County will participate and invite the community and those interested in joining to come to an ice cream social at their first club meeting in October. In Butler County, more than 132 4-H youth and 41 volunteers from the community are involved in 4-H.

Clubs meet regularly each month. Royal Riders meet at 3:15 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays at Qulin Lions Club; Neelyville 4-H & Shooting Sports meet at 4 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays at Independence Baptist Church; Rombauer Rascals meet at 10 a.m. on the second Saturday at Rombauer General Baptist Church; Steppin' Up meets at 5:30 p.m. on the second Thursday at First United Methodist Church Room 100 in Poplar Bluff; and Oak Grove 4-H meets at 4 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays at Oak Grove Elementary (Mrs. Walker's third grade room.

Missouri 4-H is a community of more than 100,000 youth from across the state learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. Members learn by doing under the guidance of adult volunteers who teach projects ranging from aerospace and arts to veterinary science and sport fishing. Clubs also involve children and teens in community service, camping and educational trips. Research has shown that young people in 4-H are almost four times as likely to contribute to their communities, and are twice as likely to engage in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs in their free time. For more information, visit4h.missouri.edu.

For information about local 4-H clubs and activities, contact MU Extension in Butler County at 573-686-8064.

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