June 15, 2020

DONIPHAN — Two Poplar Bluff men escaped injury when their boats collided head on Saturday afternoon on Current River. Robert K. Persons, 43, was operating a 2014 Blazer boat southbound when it allegedly struck a 2004 Blazer boat being operated northbound by Standley D. Bullington, 56, according to a Missouri State Highway Patrol report.

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DONIPHAN — Two Poplar Bluff men escaped injury when their boats collided head on Saturday afternoon on Current River.

Robert K. Persons, 43, was operating a 2014 Blazer boat southbound when it allegedly struck a 2004 Blazer boat being operated northbound by Standley D. Bullington, 56, according to a Missouri State Highway Patrol report.

The crash reportedly occurred at 3:55 p.m., north of Nude Beach, which is approximately two miles south of the Doniphan boat ramp.

The boats “came around a curve on the river and couldn’t get slowed down in time,” said Cpl. Shayne Talburt, with the patrol’s Marine Division. “They met on a blind curve and struck head on.”

Neither boat operator nor the children, who were riding in one of the boats, were injured, Talburt said.

River traffic was light Saturday due to water levels being back up again, said Talburt, who estimated Current River is about four feet higher than normal right now.

With the exception of June 6, Talburt said, river traffic has been slow due to the high water the last four weekends.

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Talburt described June 6 as being “very busy. I’m going to estimate 400 to 500 boats and a thousand floaters.

“We responded to six calls for service and made 25 drug arrests, along with some glass bottle violations.”

Talburt said troopers also responded to a medical emergency at Bay Nothing involving a floater who had a stroke.

Beginning this weekend, Talburt anticipates river traffic “getting pretty busy.”

Talburt encouraged boaters to check all their safety equipment to make sure it is in working order and have enough life jackets for all aboard.

Boaters, he said, also should check their motors to make sure they are running properly.

“Just remember with high water, there may be underwater obstructions just under the surface that you could normally see” at lower river levels, Talburt said.

Anyone experiencing problems or an emergency can dial *55 to reach the highway patrol.

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