The Puxico Indians Baseball Team hit the ground running this fall baseball season. With four games underway they have a score of 1-4 as of Sept. 1. With coaches Jay Pierce and Larry Clements by their side the Varsity team is hoping to continue to improve their statistics while having fun on the field throughout the season.
The first game of the season kicked off against Bell City Aug. 22. As the Indians took the field their strong fielding was very apparent to supporters in the stands however Bell City took the lead with a score of 12-0. The second game of the season took place Aug. 24 verses Twin Rivers. Up until the fifth inning Puxico remained only 3 runs behind their competition, yet once again the competition Twin Rivers took the winning score with 15-3. Their third game took place on Aug. 28 verses Oran. The Puxico Indians went full force against Oran however Oran took the game at a score of 16-0. According to Coach Pierce, the goal against Oran was to "play solid defense and keep them from putting up a bunch of runs in single innings." The team followed through with this goal and played hard yet fair keeping the Oran team from scoring multiple runs in single innings.
Their fourth game took place Aug. 29 against their Rival team, Bloomfield and outlook on the season began to have a more positive vibe. Although it took the Indians a while to get to up to par, they won their first game with a score of 4-2. They showed that they were in the game mentally and physically and were able to score 2 double plays as well as sporting some of the best hitting that they have shown in the past year.
Thursday, Aug. 31, played Campbell and lost 12-0.
"I am very proud of the boys and the hard work they have put in to get here," stated Coach Pierce. "If we want to continue to win however, we need to continue to focus ourselves and build momentum."
As the season continues, the Varsity Team as well as their coaches are hoping the public will come out and support them in the stands. The team is made up of 12, with seven of them being juniors and the remaining four consisting of sophomores and freshman, has high hopes of hitting the season out of the park